Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import warnings
import tempfile

from AFQ.definitions.mapping import SynMap
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)  # noqa

import logging
from AFQ.api.participant import ParticipantAFQ
from AFQ.api.utils import (
    check_attribute, AFQclass_doc,
    export_all_helper, valid_exports_string)
import AFQ.utils.streamlines as aus
from AFQ.viz.utils import get_eye

from dipy.utils.parallel import paramap
from import StatefulTractogram, Space
import dipy.tracking.streamlinespeed as dps
import dipy.tracking.streamline as dts
from import save_tractogram

from AFQ.version import version as pyafq_version
from AFQ.viz.utils import trim
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import os.path as op
from tqdm import tqdm
import json
import s3fs
from time import time
import nibabel as nib
from PIL import Image
from s3bids.utils import S3BIDSStudy

from bids.layout import BIDSLayout, BIDSLayoutIndexer
    import afqbrowser as afqb
    using_afqb = True
except ImportError:
    using_afqb = False

__all__ = ["GroupAFQ", "get_afq_bids_entities_fname"]

logger = logging.getLogger('AFQ')

# get rid of unnecessary columns in df
def clean_pandas_df(df):
    df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
    df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')]
    return df

[docs]def get_afq_bids_entities_fname(): return op.dirname(op.dirname(op.abspath( aus.__file__))) + "/afq_bids_entities.json"
[docs]class GroupAFQ(object): f"""{AFQclass_doc}""" def __init__(self, bids_path, bids_filters={"suffix": "dwi"}, preproc_pipeline="all", participant_labels=None, output_dir=None, parallel_params={"engine": "serial"}, bids_layout_kwargs={}, **kwargs): ''' Initialize a GroupAFQ object from a BIDS dataset. Parameters ---------- bids_path : str The path to preprocessed diffusion data organized in a BIDS dataset. This should contain a BIDS derivative dataset with preprocessed dwi/bvals/bvecs. bids_filters : dict Filter to pass to bids_layout.get when finding DWI files. Default: {"suffix": "dwi"} preproc_pipeline : str, optional. The name of the pipeline used to preprocess the DWI data. Default: "all". participant_labels : list or None, optional List of participant labels (subject IDs) to perform processing on. If None, all subjects are used. Default: None output_dir : str or None, optional Path to output directory. If None, outputs are put in a AFQ pipeline folder in the derivatives folder of the BIDS directory. pyAFQ will use existing derivatives from the output directory if they exist, instead of recalculating them (this means you need to clear the output folder if you want to recalculate a derivative). Default: None parallel_params : dict, optional Parameters to pass to paramap in AFQ.utils.parallel, to parallelize computations across subjects and sessions. Set "n_jobs" to -1 to automatically parallelize as the number of cpus. Here is an example for how to do multiprocessing with 4 cpus: {"n_jobs": 4, "engine": "joblib", "backend": "loky"} Default: {"engine": "serial"} bids_layout_kwargs: dict, optional Additional arguments to give to BIDSLayout from pybids. For large datasets, try: {"validate": False, "index_metadata": False} Default: {} kwargs : additional optional parameters You can set additional parameters for any step of the process. See :ref:`usage/kwargs` for more details. Examples -------- api.GroupAFQ(my_path, csd_sh_order=4) api.GroupAFQ( my_path, reg_template_spec="mni_t2", reg_subject_spec="b0") ''' if not isinstance(bids_path, str): raise TypeError("bids_path must be a string") if not op.exists(bids_path): raise ValueError("bids_path not found") if not op.exists(op.join(bids_path, "dataset_description.json")): raise ValueError("There must be a dataset_description.json" + " in bids_path") if not isinstance(bids_filters, dict): raise TypeError("bids_filters must be a dict") # preproc_pipeline typechecking handled by pyBIDS if participant_labels is not None\ and not isinstance(participant_labels, list): raise TypeError( "participant_labels must be either a list or None") if output_dir is not None\ and not isinstance(output_dir, str): raise TypeError( "output_dir must be either a str or None") if not isinstance(parallel_params, dict): raise TypeError("parallel_params must be a dict") if not isinstance(bids_layout_kwargs, dict): raise TypeError("bids_layout_kwargs must be a dict") self.logger = logger self.parallel_params = parallel_params self.wf_dict = {} # validate input and fail early if not op.exists(bids_path): raise ValueError(f'Unable to locate BIDS dataset in: {bids_path}') # This is where all the outputs will go: if output_dir is None: self.afq_path = op.join(bids_path, 'derivatives', 'afq') self.afqb_path = op.join(bids_path, 'derivatives', 'afq_browser') else: self.afq_path = output_dir self.afqb_path = op.join(output_dir, 'afq_browser') # Create it as needed: os.makedirs(self.afq_path, exist_ok=True) bids_indexer = BIDSLayoutIndexer(**bids_layout_kwargs) bids_layout = BIDSLayout( bids_path, derivatives=True, indexer=bids_indexer) bids_description = bids_layout.description # check that any files exist in the derivatives folder, # not including the dataset_description.json files # the second check may be particularly useful in checking # that the derivatives folder is well-defined if len(bids_layout.get())\ - len(bids_layout.get(extension="json")) < 1: raise ValueError( f"No non-json files recognized by pyBIDS in {bids_path}") if len(bids_layout.get(scope=preproc_pipeline))\ - len(bids_layout.get( scope=preproc_pipeline, extension="json")) < 1: raise ValueError(( f"No non-json files recognized by " f"pyBIDS in the pipeline: {preproc_pipeline}")) # Add required metadata file at top level (inheriting as needed): pipeline_description = { "Name": bids_description["Name"], "BIDSVersion": bids_description["BIDSVersion"], "PipelineDescription": {"Name": "pyAFQ", "Version": pyafq_version}, "GeneratedBy": [{"Name": op.basename(self.afq_path), "Version": pyafq_version}]} pl_desc_file = op.join(self.afq_path, 'dataset_description.json') with open(pl_desc_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(pipeline_description, outfile) self.subjects = bids_layout.get(return_type='id', target='subject') if not len(self.subjects): raise ValueError( "`bids_path` contains no subjects in derivatives folders." + " This could be caused by derivatives folders not following" + " the BIDS format.") if participant_labels is not None: filtered_subjects = [] subjects_found_printed = False for subjectID in participant_labels: subjectID = str(subjectID) if subjectID not in self.subjects: self.logger.warning(( f"Subject {subjectID} specified in " f"`participant_labels` but not found " f"in BIDS derivatives folders")) if not subjects_found_printed: subjects_found_printed = True self.logger.warning(( f"Only these subjects found in BIDS " f"derivatives folders: {self.subjects}")) else: filtered_subjects.append(subjectID) self.subjects = filtered_subjects if not len(self.subjects): raise ValueError( "No subjects specified in `participant_labels` " + " found in BIDS derivatives folders." + " See above warnings.") sessions = bids_layout.get(return_type='id', target='session') self.sessions = sessions if len(sessions) else [None] # do not bother to parallelize if less than 2 subject-sessions if len(self.sessions) * len(self.subjects) < 2: self.parallel_params["engine"] = "serial" # do not parallelize segmentation if parallelizing across # subject-sessions if self.parallel_params["engine"] != "serial": if "segmentation_params" not in kwargs: kwargs["segmentation_params"] = {} if "parallel_segmentation" not in kwargs["segmentation_params"]: kwargs["segmentation_params"]["parallel_segmentation"] = {} kwargs["segmentation_params"]["parallel_segmentation"]["engine"] =\ "serial" self.valid_sub_list = [] self.valid_ses_list = [] self.pAFQ_list = [] for subject in self.subjects: self.wf_dict[subject] = {} for session in self.sessions: this_kwargs = kwargs.copy() results_dir = op.join(self.afq_path, 'sub-' + subject) if session is not None: results_dir = op.join(results_dir, 'ses-' + session) dwi_bids_filters = { "subject": subject, "session": session, "return_type": "filename", "scope": preproc_pipeline, "extension": "nii.gz", "suffix": "dwi", } dwi_bids_filters.update(bids_filters) dwi_files = bids_layout.get(**dwi_bids_filters) if (not len(dwi_files)): self.logger.warning( f"No dwi found for subject {subject} and session " f"{session}. Skipping.") continue os.makedirs(results_dir, exist_ok=True) dwi_data_file = dwi_files[0] # For bvals and bvecs, use ``get_bval()`` and ``get_bvec()`` to # walk up the file tree and inherit the closest bval and bvec # files. Maintain input ``bids_filters`` in case user wants to # specify acquisition labels, but pop suffix since it is # already specified inside ``get_bvec()`` and ``get_bval()`` suffix = bids_filters.pop("suffix", None) bvec_file = bids_layout.get_bvec( dwi_data_file, **bids_filters) bval_file = bids_layout.get_bval( dwi_data_file, **bids_filters) if suffix is not None: bids_filters["suffix"] = suffix self.valid_sub_list.append(subject) self.valid_ses_list.append(str(session)) this_pAFQ = ParticipantAFQ( dwi_data_file, bval_file, bvec_file, results_dir, _bids_info={ "bids_layout": bids_layout, "subject": subject, "session": session}, **this_kwargs) self.wf_dict[subject][str(session)] = this_pAFQ.wf_dict self.pAFQ_list.append(this_pAFQ)
[docs] def combine_profiles(self): tract_profiles_dict = self.export("profiles") if len(self.sessions) > 1: tract_profiles_list = [] for _, subject_dict in tract_profiles_dict.items(): tract_profiles_list.extend(subject_dict.values()) else: tract_profiles_list = list(tract_profiles_dict.values()) _df = combine_list_of_profiles(tract_profiles_list) out_file = op.abspath(op.join( self.afq_path, "tract_profiles.csv")) os.makedirs(op.dirname(out_file), exist_ok=True) _df = clean_pandas_df(_df) _df.to_csv(out_file, index=False) return _df
[docs] def get_streamlines_json(self): sls_json_fname = op.abspath(op.join( self.afq_path, "afqb_streamlines.json")) if not op.exists(sls_json_fname): subses_info = [] def load_next_subject(): subses_idx = len(subses_info) sub = self.valid_sub_list[subses_idx] ses = self.valid_ses_list[subses_idx] this_bundles_file = self.export( "bundles", collapse=False)[sub][ses] this_mapping = self.export("mapping", collapse=False)[sub][ses] this_img = self.export( "dwi", collapse=False)[sub][ses] seg_sft = aus.SegmentedSFT.fromfile( this_bundles_file, this_img) seg_sft.sft.to_rasmm() subses_info.append((seg_sft, this_mapping)) bundle_dict = self.export("bundle_dict", collapse=False)[ self.valid_sub_list[0]][self.valid_ses_list[0]] sls_dict = {} load_next_subject() # load first subject for b in bundle_dict.keys(): if b != "whole_brain": for i in range(len(self.valid_sub_list)): seg_sft, mapping = subses_info[i] idx = seg_sft.bundle_idxs[b] # use the first subses that works # otherwise try each successive subses if len(idx) == 0: # break if we run out of subses if i + 1 >= len(self.valid_sub_list): break # load subses if not already loaded if i + 1 >= len(subses_info): load_next_subject() continue if len(idx) > 100: idx = np.random.choice( idx, size=100, replace=False) these_sls = seg_sft.sft.streamlines[idx] these_sls = dps.set_number_of_points(these_sls, 100) tg = StatefulTractogram( these_sls, seg_sft.sft, Space.RASMM) delta = dts.values_from_volume( mapping.forward, tg.streamlines, np.eye(4)) moved_sl = dts.Streamlines( [d + s for d, s in zip(delta, tg.streamlines)]) moved_sl = np.asarray(moved_sl) median_sl = np.median(moved_sl, axis=0) sls_dict[b] = {"coreFiber": median_sl.tolist()} for ii, sl_idx in enumerate(idx): sls_dict[b][str(sl_idx)] = moved_sl[ii].tolist() break with open(sls_json_fname, 'w') as fp: json.dump(sls_dict, fp) return sls_json_fname
[docs] def export(self, attr_name="help", collapse=True): f""" Export a specific output. To print a list of available outputs, call export without arguments. {valid_exports_string} Parameters ---------- attr_name : str Name of the output to export. Default: "help" collapse : bool Whether to collapse session dimension if there is only 1 session. Default: True Returns ------- output : dict The specific output as a dictionary. Keys are subjects. Values are dictionaries with keys of sessions if multiple sessions are used. Otherwise, values are the output. None if called without arguments. """ section = check_attribute(attr_name) # iterate over subjects / sessions, # decide if they need to be calculated or not in_list = [] to_calc_list = [] results = {} for ii, subject in enumerate(self.valid_sub_list): if subject not in results: results[subject] = {} session = self.valid_ses_list[ii] wf_dict = self.wf_dict[subject][str(session)] if section is not None: wf_dict = wf_dict[section] if ((self.parallel_params.get("engine", False) != "serial") and (hasattr(wf_dict, "efferents")) and (attr_name not in wf_dict.efferents)): in_list.append((wf_dict)) to_calc_list.append((subject, session)) else: results[subject][session] = wf_dict[attr_name] # if some need to be calculated, do those in parallel if to_calc_list: par_results = paramap( lambda wf, attr: wf[attr], in_list, func_args=[attr_name], **self.parallel_params) for i, subses in enumerate(to_calc_list): subject, session = subses results[subject][session] = par_results[i] # If only one session, collapse session dimension if len(self.sessions) == 1 and collapse: for subject in self.valid_sub_list: results[subject] = results[subject][self.valid_ses_list[0]] return results
[docs] def export_up_to(self, attr_name="help"): f""" Export all derivatives necessary for a specific output. To print a list of available outputs, call export_up_to without arguments. {valid_exports_string} Parameters ---------- attr_name : str Name of the output to export up to. Default: "help" """ section = check_attribute(attr_name) wf_dict = self.wf_dict[ self.valid_sub_list[0]][self.valid_ses_list[0]] if section is not None: wf_dict = wf_dict[section] for dependent in wf_dict.plan.dependencies[attr_name]: self.export(dependent)
[docs] def export_all(self, viz=True, afqbrowser=True, xforms=True, indiv=True): """ Exports all the possible outputs Parameters ---------- viz : bool Whether to output visualizations. This includes tract profile plots, a figure containing all bundles, and, if using the AFQ segmentation algorithm, individual bundle figures. Default: True afqbrowser : bool Whether to output an AFQ-Browser from this AFQ instance. Default: True xforms : bool Whether to output the reg_template image in subject space and, depending on if it is possible based on the mapping used, to output the b0 in template space. Default: True indiv : bool Whether to output individual bundles in their own files, in addition to the one file containing all bundles. If using the AFQ segmentation algorithm, individual ROIs are also output. Default: True """ start_time = time() seg_params = self.export("segmentation_params", collapse=False)[ self.valid_sub_list[0]][self.valid_ses_list[0]] seg_algo = seg_params.get("seg_algo", "AFQ") export_all_helper(self, seg_algo, xforms, indiv, viz) self.combine_profiles() if afqbrowser: self.assemble_AFQ_browser() f"Time taken for export all: {str(time() - start_time)}")
[docs] def cmd_outputs(self, cmd="rm", dependent_on=None, exceptions=[], suffix=""): """ Perform some command some or all outputs of pyafq. This is useful if you change a parameter and need to recalculate derivatives that depend on it. Some examples: cp, mv, rm . -r will be automtically added when necessary. Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command to run on outputs. Default: 'rm' dependent_on : str or None Which derivatives to perform command on . If None, perform on all. If "track", perform on all derivatives that depend on the tractography. If "recog", perform on all derivatives that depend on the bundle recognition. Default: None exceptions : list of str Name outputs that the command should not be applied to. Default: [] suffix : str Parts of command that are used after the filename. Default: "" Example ------- # This command would move all derivatives that are # dependent on the tractography into 'my_other_folder' myafq.cmd_outputs( "cp", dependent_on="track", suffix="~/my_other_folder/") """ for pAFQ in self.pAFQ_list: pAFQ.cmd_outputs(cmd, dependent_on, exceptions, suffix=suffix)
[docs] clobber = cmd_outputs # alias for default of cmd_outputs
[docs] def make_all_participant_montages(self, images_per_row=2): """ Generate montage of all bundles for a all subjects. Parameters ---------- images_per_row : int Number of bundle images per row in output file. Default: 2 Returns ------- filename of montage images """ for pAFQ in self.pAFQ_list: pAFQ.participant_montage(images_per_row=images_per_row)
[docs] def group_montage(self, bundle_name, size, view, direc, slice_pos=None): """ Generate montage file(s) of a given bundle at a given angle. Parameters ---------- bundle_name : str Name of bundle to visualize, should be the same as in the bundle dictionary. size : tuple of int The number of columns and rows for each file. view : str Which view to display. Can be one of sagittal, coronal, or axial. direc : str Which direction to views. Can be one of left, right, top, bottom, front, back slice_pos : float, or None If float, indicates the fractional position along the perpendicular axis to the slice. Currently only works with plotly. If None, no slice is displayed. Returns ------- list of filenames of montage images """ tdir = tempfile.gettempdir() best_scalar = self.export("best_scalar", collapse=False)[ self.valid_sub_list[0]][self.valid_ses_list[0]] viz_backend_dict = self.export("viz_backend", collapse=False) b0_backend_dict = self.export("b0", collapse=False) dwi_affine_dict = self.export("dwi_affine", collapse=False) bundles_dict = self.export("bundles", collapse=False) best_scalar_dict = self.export(best_scalar, collapse=False) all_fnames = []"Generating Montage...") for ii in tqdm(range(len(self.valid_ses_list))): this_sub = self.valid_sub_list[ii] this_ses = self.valid_ses_list[ii] viz_backend = viz_backend_dict[this_sub][this_ses] b0 = b0_backend_dict[this_sub][this_ses] dwi_affine = dwi_affine_dict[this_sub][this_ses] bundles = bundles_dict[this_sub][this_ses] best_scalar = best_scalar_dict[this_sub][this_ses] flip_axes = [False, False, False] for i in range(3): flip_axes[i] = (dwi_affine[i, i] < 0) if slice_pos is not None: slice_kwargs = {} if view == "sagittal": slice_kwargs["x_pos"] = slice_pos slice_kwargs["y_pos"] = None slice_kwargs["z_pos"] = None elif view == "coronal": slice_kwargs["x_pos"] = None slice_kwargs["y_pos"] = slice_pos slice_kwargs["z_pos"] = None elif view == "axial": slice_kwargs["x_pos"] = None slice_kwargs["y_pos"] = None slice_kwargs["z_pos"] = slice_pos figure = viz_backend.visualize_volume( best_scalar, opacity=1.0, flip_axes=flip_axes, interact=False, inline=False, **slice_kwargs) else: figure = None figure = viz_backend.visualize_bundles( bundles, shade_by_volume=best_scalar, flip_axes=flip_axes, bundle=bundle_name, interact=False, inline=False, figure=figure) eye = get_eye(view, direc) this_fname = tdir + f"/t{ii}.png" if "plotly" in viz_backend.backend: figure.update_layout(scene_camera=dict( projection=dict(type="orthographic"), up={"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 1}, eye=eye, center=dict(x=0, y=0, z=0))) figure.write_image(this_fname) # temporary fix for memory leak import as pio pio.kaleido.scope._shutdown_kaleido() else: from dipy.viz import window direc = np.fromiter(eye.values(), dtype=int) data_shape = np.asarray(nib.load(b0).get_fdata().shape) figure.set_camera( position=direc * data_shape, focal_point=data_shape // 2, view_up=(0, 0, 1)) figure.zoom(0.5) window.snapshot(figure, fname=this_fname, size=(600, 600)) def _save_file(curr_img, curr_file_num): save_path = op.abspath(op.join( self.afq_path, (f"bundle-{bundle_name}_view-{view}" f"_idx-{curr_file_num}_montage.png"))) all_fnames.append(save_path) this_img_trimmed = {} max_height = 0 max_width = 0 for ii in range(len(self.valid_ses_list)): this_img = + f"/t{ii}.png") try: this_img_trimmed[ii] = trim(trim(this_img)) except IndexError: # this_img is a picture of nothing this_img_trimmed[ii] = this_img if this_img_trimmed[ii].size[0] > max_width: max_width = this_img_trimmed[ii].size[0] if this_img_trimmed[ii].size[1] > max_height: max_height = this_img_trimmed[ii].size[1] curr_img = 'RGB', (max_width * size[0], max_height * size[1]), color="white") curr_file_num = 0 for ii in range(len(self.valid_ses_list)): x_pos = ii % size[0] _ii = ii // size[0] y_pos = _ii % size[1] _ii = _ii // size[1] file_num = _ii if file_num != curr_file_num: _save_file(curr_img, curr_file_num) curr_img = 'RGB', (max_width * size[0], max_height * size[1]), color="white") curr_file_num = file_num curr_img.paste( this_img_trimmed[ii], (x_pos * max_width, y_pos * max_height)) _save_file(curr_img, curr_file_num) return all_fnames
[docs] def combine_bundle(self, bundle_name): """ Transforms a given bundle to reg_template space for all subjects then merges them to one trk file. Useful for visualizing the variability in the bundle across subjects. Note: currently only implemented using built-in SynMap Parameters ---------- bundle_name : str Name of the bundle to transform, should be one of the bundles in bundle_dict. """ reference_wf_dict = self.wf_dict[ self.valid_sub_list[0]][self.valid_ses_list[0]] if "mapping_definition" in reference_wf_dict: mapping_definition = reference_wf_dict["mapping_definition"] if mapping_definition is not None and not isinstance( mapping_definition, SynMap): raise NotImplementedError(( "combine_bundle not implemented for mapping_definition " "other than SynMap")) reg_template = self.export("reg_template", collapse=False)[ self.valid_sub_list[0]][self.valid_ses_list[0]] bundles_dict = self.export("bundles", collapse=False) mapping_dict = self.export("mapping", collapse=False) sls_mni = []"Combining Bundles...") for ii in tqdm(range(len(self.valid_ses_list))): this_sub = self.valid_sub_list[ii] this_ses = self.valid_ses_list[ii] seg_sft = aus.SegmentedSFT.fromfile(bundles_dict[ this_sub][this_ses]) seg_sft.sft.to_vox() sls = seg_sft.get_bundle(bundle_name).streamlines mapping = mapping_dict[this_sub][this_ses] if len(sls) > 0: delta = dts.values_from_volume( mapping.forward, sls, np.eye(4)) sls_mni.extend([d + s for d, s in zip(delta, sls)]) moved_sft = StatefulTractogram( sls_mni, reg_template, Space.VOX) save_tractogram( moved_sft, op.abspath(op.join( self.afq_path, f"bundle-{bundle_name}_subjects-all_MNI.trk")), bbox_valid_check=False)
[docs] def upload_to_s3(self, s3fs, remote_path): """ Upload entire AFQ derivatives folder to S3""" s3fs.put(self.afq_path, remote_path, recursive=True) if op.exists(self.afqb_path): s3fs.put(self.afqb_path, remote_path, recursive=True)
[docs] def export_group_density(self, boolify=True): """ Generate a group density map by combining single subject density maps. Parameters ---------- boolify : bool Whether to turn subject streamline count images into booleans before adding them into the group density map. Return ------ Path to density nifti file. """ densities = self.export("density_maps", collapse=False) ex_density_init = nib.load(densities[ self.valid_sub_list[0]][ self.valid_ses_list[0]]) # for shape and header group_density = np.zeros_like(ex_density_init.get_fdata())"Generating Group Density...") for ii in tqdm(range(len(self.valid_ses_list))): this_sub = self.valid_sub_list[ii] this_ses = self.valid_ses_list[ii] this_density = nib.load(densities[this_sub][this_ses]).get_fdata() if boolify: this_density = this_density.astype(bool) group_density = group_density + this_density group_density = group_density / len(self.valid_sub_list) group_density = nib.Nifti1Image( group_density, ex_density_init.affine, header=ex_density_init.header ) out_fname = op.abspath(op.join( self.afq_path, f"desc-density_subjects-all_space-MNI_dwi.nii.gz")), out_fname) return out_fname
[docs] def assemble_AFQ_browser(self, output_path=None, metadata=None, page_title="AFQ Browser", page_subtitle="", page_title_link="", page_subtitle_link=""): """ Assembles an instance of the AFQ-Browser from this AFQ instance. First, we generate the combined tract profile if it is not already generated. This includes running the full AFQ pipeline if it has not already run. The combined tract profile is one of the outputs of export_all. Second, we generate a streamlines.json file from the bundle recognized in the first subject's first session. Third, we call AFQ-Browser's assemble to assemble an AFQ-Browser instance in output_path. Parameters ---------- output_path : str Path to location to create this instance of the browser in. Called "target" in AFQ Browser API. If None, bids_path/derivatives/afq_browser is used. Default: None metadata : str Path to subject metadata csv file. If None, an metadata file containing only subject ID is created. This file requires a "subjectID" column to work. Default: None page_title : str Page title. If None, prompt is sent to command line. Default: "AFQ Browser" page_subtitle : str Page subtitle. If None, prompt is sent to command line. Default: "" page_title_link : str Title hyperlink (including http(s)://). If None, prompt is sent to command line. Default: "" page_subtitle_link : str Subtitle hyperlink (including http(s)://). If None, prompt is sent to command line. Default: "" """ if not using_afqb: self.logger.warning(( "AFQ Browser is not installed, so AFQ Browser instance " "cannot be assembled. AFQ Browser can be installed with: " "`pip install pyAFQ[afqbrowser]` or " "`pip install AFQ-Browser>=0.3`")) return n_points_profile = self.export("n_points_profile", collapse=False)[ self.valid_sub_list[0]][ self.valid_ses_list[0]] if n_points_profile != 100: self.logger.warning(( "AFQ Browser requires 100 points per tract profile, " "so AFQ Browser instance cannot be assembled.")) return if output_path is None: output_path = self.afqb_path os.makedirs(self.afqb_path, exist_ok=True) # generate combined profiles csv self.combine_profiles() # generate streamlines.json file sls_json_fname = self.get_streamlines_json() afqb.assemble( op.abspath(op.join(self.afq_path, "tract_profiles.csv")), target=output_path, metadata=metadata, streamlines=sls_json_fname, title=page_title, subtitle=page_subtitle, link=page_title_link, sublink=page_subtitle_link)
def download_and_combine_afq_profiles(bucket, study_s3_prefix="", deriv_name=None, out_file=None, upload=False, session=None, **kwargs): """ Download and combine tract profiles from different subjects / sessions on an s3 bucket into one CSV. Parameters ---------- bucket : str The S3 bucket that contains the study data. study_s3_prefix : str The S3 prefix common to all of the study objects on S3. out_file : filename, optional Filename for the combined output CSV. deriv_name : str, optional If deriv_name is not None, it should be a string that specifies which derivatives folder to download and combine profiles from. upload : bool or str, optional If True, upload the combined CSV to Amazon S3 at bucket/study_s3_prefix/derivatives/afq. If a string, assume string is an Amazon S3 URI and upload there. Defaut: False session : str, optional Session to get CSVs from. If None, all sessions are used. Default: None kwargs : optional Optional arguments to pass to S3BIDSStudy. Returns ------- Ouput CSV's pandas dataframe. """ if "subjects" not in kwargs: kwargs["subjects"] = "all" if "anon" not in kwargs: kwargs["anon"] = False if deriv_name is None: deriv_name = True with nib.tmpdirs.InTemporaryDirectory() as t_dir: remote_study = S3BIDSStudy( "get_profiles", bucket, study_s3_prefix, **kwargs) t_dir, include_modality_agnostic=False, include_derivs=deriv_name, include_derivs_dataset_description=True, suffix="profiles.csv") temp_study = BIDSLayout(t_dir, validate=False, derivatives=True) if session is None: profiles = temp_study.get( extension='csv', suffix='profiles', return_type='filename') else: profiles = temp_study.get( session=session, extension='csv', suffix='profiles', return_type='filename') df = combine_list_of_profiles(profiles) df.to_csv("tmp.csv", index=False) if upload is True: bids_prefix = "/".join([bucket, study_s3_prefix]).rstrip("/") fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem() fs.put( "tmp.csv", "/".join([ bids_prefix, "derivatives", "afq", "combined_tract_profiles.csv" ])) elif isinstance(upload, str): fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem() fs.put("tmp.csv", upload.replace("s3://", "")) if out_file is not None: out_file = op.abspath(out_file) os.makedirs(op.dirname(out_file), exist_ok=True) df = clean_pandas_df(df) df.to_csv(out_file, index=False) return df def combine_list_of_profiles(profile_fnames): """ Combine tract profiles from different subjects / sessions into one CSV. Parameters ---------- profile_fnames : list of str List of csv filenames. Returns ------- Ouput CSV's pandas dataframe. """ dfs = [] for fname in profile_fnames: profiles = pd.read_csv(fname) profiles['subjectID'] = fname.split('sub-')[1].split('/')[0] if 'ses-' in fname: session_name = fname.split('ses-')[1].split('/')[0] else: session_name = 'unknown' profiles['sessionID'] = session_name dfs.append(profiles) return clean_pandas_df(pd.concat(dfs))