Source code for

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import logging

from import read_bvals_bvecs
import dipy.core.gradients as dpg

import pimms

import dipy.reconst.dki as dpy_dki
import dipy.reconst.dti as dpy_dti
import dipy.reconst.fwdti as dpy_fwdti
import dipy.reconst.msdki as dpy_msdki
from dipy.reconst.gqi import GeneralizedQSamplingModel
from dipy.reconst import shm
from dipy.reconst.dki_micro import axonal_water_fraction

from AFQ.tasks.decorators import as_file, as_img, as_fit_deriv
from AFQ.tasks.utils import get_fname, with_name, str_to_desc
import AFQ.api.bundle_dict as abd
import as afd
from AFQ.utils.path import drop_extension, write_json
from AFQ._fixes import gwi_odf

from AFQ.definitions.utils import Definition
from AFQ.definitions.image import B0Image

from AFQ.models.dti import noise_from_b0
from AFQ.models.csd import _fit as csd_fit_model
from AFQ.models.csd import CsdNanResponseError
from AFQ.models.dki import _fit as dki_fit_model
from AFQ.models.dti import _fit as dti_fit_model
from AFQ.models.fwdti import _fit as fwdti_fit_model
from AFQ.models.QBallTP import (
    extract_odf, anisotropic_index, anisotropic_power)

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger('AFQ')
[docs]DIPY_GH = ""
@pimms.calc("data", "gtab", "dwi", "dwi_affine")
[docs]def get_data_gtab(dwi_path, bval, bvec, min_bval=None, max_bval=None, filter_b=True, b0_threshold=50): """ DWI data as an ndarray for selected b values, A DIPY GradientTable with all the gradient information, and DWI data in a Nifti1Image, and the affine transformation of the DWI data. Parameters ---------- min_bval : float, optional Minimum b value you want to use from the dataset (other than b0), inclusive. If None, there is no minimum limit. Default: None max_bval : float, optional Maximum b value you want to use from the dataset (other than b0), inclusive. If None, there is no maximum limit. Default: None filter_b : bool, optional Whether to filter the DWI data based on min or max bvals. Default: True b0_threshold : int, optional The value of b under which it is considered to be b0. Default: 50. """ img = nib.load(dwi_path) bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval, bvec) data = img.get_fdata() if filter_b and (min_bval is not None): valid_b = np.logical_or( (bvals >= min_bval), (bvals <= b0_threshold)) data = data[..., valid_b] bvals = bvals[valid_b] bvecs = bvecs[valid_b] if filter_b and (max_bval is not None): valid_b = np.logical_or( (bvals <= max_bval), (bvals <= b0_threshold)) data = data[..., valid_b] bvals = bvals[valid_b] bvecs = bvecs[valid_b] gtab = dpg.gradient_table( bvals, bvecs, b0_threshold=b0_threshold) img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, img.affine) return data, gtab, img, img.affine
@pimms.calc("b0") @as_file('_desc-b0_dwi.nii.gz')
[docs]def b0(dwi_path, gtab): """ full path to a nifti file containing the mean b0 """ data = nib.load(dwi_path) mean_b0 = np.mean(data.get_fdata()[..., gtab.b0s_mask], -1) mean_b0_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mean_b0, data.affine) meta = dict(b0_threshold=gtab.b0_threshold, source=dwi_path) return mean_b0_img, meta
@pimms.calc("masked_b0") @as_file('_desc-maskedb0_dwi.nii.gz')
[docs]def b0_mask(b0, brain_mask): """ full path to a nifti file containing the mean b0 after applying the brain mask """ img = nib.load(b0) brain_mask = nib.load(brain_mask).get_fdata().astype(bool) masked_data = img.get_fdata() masked_data[~brain_mask] = 0 masked_b0_img = nib.Nifti1Image(masked_data, img.affine) meta = dict( source=b0, masked=True) return masked_b0_img, meta
[docs]def dti_fit(dti_params, gtab): """DTI TensorFit object""" dti_params = nib.load(dti_params).get_fdata() tm = dpy_dti.TensorModel(gtab) return dpy_dti.TensorFit(tm, dti_params)
@pimms.calc("dti_params") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DTI_desc-diffmodel_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def dti_params(brain_mask, data, gtab, bval, bvec, b0_threshold=50, robust_tensor_fitting=False): """ full path to a nifti file containing parameters for the DTI fit Parameters ---------- robust_tensor_fitting : bool, optional Whether to use robust_tensor_fitting when doing dti. Only applies to dti. Default: False b0_threshold : int, optional The value of b under which it is considered to be b0. Default: 50. """ mask =\ nib.load(brain_mask).get_fdata() if robust_tensor_fitting: bvals, _ = read_bvals_bvecs( bval, bvec) sigma = noise_from_b0( data, gtab, bvals, mask=mask, b0_threshold=b0_threshold) else: sigma = None dtf = dti_fit_model( gtab, data, mask=mask, sigma=sigma) meta = dict( Parameters=dict( FitMethod="WLS"), OutlierRejection=robust_tensor_fitting, ModelURL=f"{DIPY_GH}reconst/") return dtf.model_params, meta
[docs]def fwdti_fit(fwdti_params, gtab): """Free-water DTI TensorFit object""" fwdti_params = nib.load(fwdti_params).get_fdata() fwtm = dpy_fwdti.FreeWaterTensorModel(gtab) return dpy_fwdti.FreeWaterTensorFit(fwtm, fwdti_params)
@pimms.calc("fwdti_params") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-FWDTI_desc-diffmodel_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def fwdti_params(brain_mask, data, gtab): """ Full path to a nifti file containing parameters for the free-water DTI fit. """ mask =\ nib.load(brain_mask).get_fdata() dtf = fwdti_fit_model( data, gtab, mask=mask) meta = dict( Parameters=dict( FitMethod="NLS"), ModelURL=f"{DIPY_GH}reconst/") return dtf.model_params, meta
[docs]def dki_fit(dki_params, gtab): """DKI DiffusionKurtosisFit object""" dki_params = nib.load(dki_params).get_fdata() tm = dpy_dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab) return dpy_dki.DiffusionKurtosisFit(tm, dki_params)
@pimms.calc("dki_params") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DKI_desc-diffmodel_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def dki_params(brain_mask, gtab, data): """ full path to a nifti file containing parameters for the DKI fit """ mask =\ nib.load(brain_mask).get_fdata() dkf = dki_fit_model( gtab, data, mask=mask) meta = dict( Parameters=dict( FitMethod="WLS"), OutlierRejection=False, ModelURL=f"{DIPY_GH}reconst/") return dkf.model_params, meta
[docs]def msdki_fit(msdki_params, gtab): """Mean Signal DKI DiffusionKurtosisFit object""" msdki_params = nib.load(msdki_params).get_fdata() tm = dpy_msdki.MeanDiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab) return dpy_msdki.MeanDiffusionKurtosisFit(tm, msdki_params)
@pimms.calc("msdki_params") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-MSDKI_desc-diffmodel_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def msdki_params(brain_mask, gtab, data): """ full path to a nifti file containing parameters for the Mean Signal DKI fit """ mask =\ nib.load(brain_mask).get_fdata() msdki_model = dpy_msdki.MeanDiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab) msdki_fit =, mask=mask) meta = dict( ModelURL=f"{DIPY_GH}reconst/") return msdki_fit.model_params, meta
@pimms.calc("msdki_msd") @as_file('_odfmodel-MSDKI_desc-MSD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('MSDKI')
[docs]def msdki_msd(msdki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the MSDKI mean signal diffusivity """ return
@pimms.calc("msdki_msk") @as_file('_odfmodel-MSDKI_desc-MSK_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('MSDKI')
[docs]def msdki_msk(msdki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the MSDKI mean signal kurtosis """ return msdki_tf.msk
@pimms.calc("csd_params") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-CSD_desc-diffmodel_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def csd_params(dwi, brain_mask, gtab, data, csd_response=None, csd_sh_order=None, csd_lambda_=1, csd_tau=0.1): """ full path to a nifti file containing parameters for the CSD fit Parameters ---------- csd_response : tuple or None, optional. The response function to be used by CSD, as a tuple with two elements. The first is the eigen-values as an (3,) ndarray and the second is the signal value for the response function without diffusion-weighting (i.e. S0). If not provided, auto_response will be used to calculate these values. Default: None csd_sh_order : int or None, optional. default: infer the number of parameters from the number of data volumes, but no larger than 8. Default: None csd_lambda_ : float, optional. weight given to the constrained-positivity regularization part of the deconvolution equation. Default: 1 csd_tau : float, optional. threshold controlling the amplitude below which the corresponding fODF is assumed to be zero. Ideally, tau should be set to zero. However, to improve the stability of the algorithm, tau is set to tau*100 percent of the mean fODF amplitude (here, 10 percent by default) (see [1]_). Default: 0.1 References ---------- .. [1] Tournier, J.D., et al. NeuroImage 2007. Robust determination of the fibre orientation distribution in diffusion MRI: Non-negativity constrained super-resolved spherical deconvolution """ mask =\ nib.load(brain_mask).get_fdata() try: csdf = csd_fit_model( gtab, data, mask=mask, response=csd_response, sh_order=csd_sh_order, lambda_=csd_lambda_, tau=csd_tau) except CsdNanResponseError as e: raise CsdNanResponseError( 'Could not compute CSD response function for file: ' f'{dwi}.') from e meta = dict( SphericalHarmonicDegree=csd_sh_order, ResponseFunctionTensor=csd_response, lambda_=csd_lambda_, tau=csd_tau) meta["SphericalHarmonicBasis"] = "DESCOTEAUX" meta["ModelURL"] = f"{DIPY_GH}reconst/" return csdf.shm_coeff, meta
@pimms.calc("csd_pmap") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-CSD_desc-APM_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def anisotropic_power_map(csd_params): """ full path to a nifti file containing the anisotropic power map """ sh_coeff = nib.load(csd_params).get_fdata() pmap = anisotropic_power(sh_coeff) return pmap, dict(CSDParamsFile=csd_params)
@pimms.calc("csd_ai") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-CSD_desc-AI_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def csd_anisotropic_index(csd_params): """ full path to a nifti file containing the anisotropic index """ sh_coeff = nib.load(csd_params).get_fdata() AI = anisotropic_index(sh_coeff) return AI, dict(CSDParamsFile=csd_params)
@pimms.calc("gq_params", "gq_iso", "gq_aso")
[docs]def gq(base_fname, gtab, dwi_affine, data, gq_sampling_length=1.2): """ full path to a nifti file containing parameters for the Generalized Q-Sampling shm_coeff, full path to a nifti file containing isotropic diffusion component, full path to a nifti file containing anisotropic diffusion component Parameters ---------- gq_sampling_length : float Diffusion sampling length. Default: 1.2 """ gqmodel = GeneralizedQSamplingModel( gtab, sampling_length=gq_sampling_length) odf = gwi_odf(gqmodel, data) GQ_shm, ASO, ISO = extract_odf(odf) params_suffix = "_odfmodel-GQ_desc-diffmodel_dwi.nii.gz" params_fname = get_fname(base_fname, params_suffix), dwi_affine), params_fname) write_json( get_fname(base_fname, f"{drop_extension(params_suffix)}.json"), dict(GQSamplingLength=gq_sampling_length) ) ASO_suffix = "_odfmodel-GQ_desc-ASO_dwi.nii.gz" ASO_fname = get_fname(base_fname, ASO_suffix), dwi_affine), ASO_fname) write_json( get_fname(base_fname, f"{drop_extension(ASO_suffix)}.json"), dict(GQSamplingLength=gq_sampling_length) ) ISO_suffix = "_odfmodel-GQ_desc-ISO_dwi.nii.gz" ISO_fname = get_fname(base_fname, ISO_suffix), dwi_affine), ISO_fname) write_json( get_fname(base_fname, f"{drop_extension(ISO_suffix)}.json"), dict(GQSamplingLength=gq_sampling_length) ) return params_fname, ISO_fname, ASO_fname
@pimms.calc("gq_pmap") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-GQ_desc-APM_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def gq_pmap(gq_params): """ full path to a nifti file containing the anisotropic power map from GQ """ sh_coeff = nib.load(gq_params).get_fdata() pmap = anisotropic_power(sh_coeff) return pmap, dict(GQParamsFile=gq_params)
@pimms.calc("gq_ai") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-GQ_desc-AI_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def gq_ai(gq_params): """ full path to a nifti file containing the anisotropic index from GQ """ sh_coeff = nib.load(gq_params).get_fdata() AI = anisotropic_index(sh_coeff) return AI, dict(GQParamsFile=gq_params)
@pimms.calc("opdt_params", "opdt_gfa")
[docs]def opdt_params(base_fname, data, gtab, dwi_affine, brain_mask, opdt_sh_order=8): """ full path to a nifti file containing parameters for the Orientation Probability Density Transform shm_coeff, full path to a nifti file containing GFA Parameters ---------- opdt_sh_order : int Spherical harmonics order for OPDT model. Must be even. Default: 8 """ opdt_model = shm.OpdtModel(gtab, opdt_sh_order) opdt_fit =, mask=brain_mask) params_suffix = "_odfmodel-OPDT_desc-diffmodel_dwi.nii.gz" params_fname = get_fname(base_fname, params_suffix), dwi_affine), params_fname) write_json( get_fname(base_fname, f"{drop_extension(params_suffix)}.json"), dict(sh_order=opdt_sh_order) ) GFA_suffix = "_odfmodel-OPDT_desc-GFA_dwi.nii.gz" GFA_fname = get_fname(base_fname, GFA_suffix), dwi_affine), GFA_fname) write_json( get_fname(base_fname, f"{drop_extension(GFA_suffix)}.json"), dict(sh_order=opdt_sh_order) ) return params_fname, GFA_fname
@pimms.calc("opdt_pmap") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-OPDT_desc-APM_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def opdt_pmap(opdt_params): """ full path to a nifti file containing the anisotropic power map from OPDT """ sh_coeff = nib.load(opdt_params).get_fdata() pmap = anisotropic_power(sh_coeff) return pmap, dict(OPDTParamsFile=opdt_params)
@pimms.calc("opdt_ai") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-OPDT_desc-AI_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def opdt_ai(opdt_params): """ full path to a nifti file containing the anisotropic index from OPDT """ sh_coeff = nib.load(opdt_params).get_fdata() AI = anisotropic_index(sh_coeff) return AI, dict(OPDTParamsFile=opdt_params)
@pimms.calc("csa_params", "csa_gfa")
[docs]def csa_params(base_fname, data, gtab, dwi_affine, brain_mask, csa_sh_order=8): """ full path to a nifti file containing parameters for the Constant Solid Angle shm_coeff, full path to a nifti file containing GFA Parameters ---------- csa_sh_order : int Spherical harmonics order for CSA model. Must be even. Default: 8 """ csa_model = shm.CsaOdfModel(gtab, csa_sh_order) csa_fit =, mask=brain_mask) params_suffix = "_odfmodel-CSA_desc-diffmodel_dwi.nii.gz" params_fname = get_fname(base_fname, params_suffix), dwi_affine), params_fname) write_json( get_fname(base_fname, f"{drop_extension(params_suffix)}.json"), dict(sh_order=csa_sh_order) ) GFA_suffix = "_odfmodel-CSA_desc-GFA_dwi.nii.gz" GFA_fname = get_fname(base_fname, GFA_suffix), dwi_affine), GFA_fname) write_json( get_fname(base_fname, f"{drop_extension(GFA_suffix)}.json"), dict(sh_order=csa_sh_order) ) return params_fname, GFA_fname
@pimms.calc("csa_pmap") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-CSA_desc-APM_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def csa_pmap(csa_params): """ full path to a nifti file containing the anisotropic power map from CSA """ sh_coeff = nib.load(csa_params).get_fdata() pmap = anisotropic_power(sh_coeff) return pmap, dict(CSAParamsFile=csa_params)
@pimms.calc("csa_ai") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-CSA_desc-AI_dwi.nii.gz') @as_img
[docs]def csa_ai(csa_params): """ full path to a nifti file containing the anisotropic index from CSA """ sh_coeff = nib.load(csa_params).get_fdata() AI = anisotropic_index(sh_coeff) return AI, dict(CSAParamsFile=csa_params)
@pimms.calc("fwdti_fa") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-FWDTI_desc-FA_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('FWDTI')
[docs]def fwdti_fa(fwdti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the Free-water DTI fractional anisotropy """ return fwdti_tf.fa
@pimms.calc("fwdti_md") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-FWDTI_desc-MD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('FWDTI')
[docs]def fwdti_md(fwdti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the Free-water DTI mean diffusivity """ return
@pimms.calc("fwdti_fwf") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-FWDTI_desc-FWF_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('FWDTI')
[docs]def fwdti_fwf(fwdti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the Free-water DTI free water fraction """ return fwdti_tf.f
@pimms.calc("dti_fa") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DTI_desc-FA_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DTI')
[docs]def dti_fa(dti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DTI fractional anisotropy """ return dti_tf.fa
@pimms.calc("dti_lt0", "dti_lt1", "dti_lt2", "dti_lt3", "dti_lt4", "dti_lt5")
[docs]def dti_lt(dti_tf, dwi_affine): """ Image of first element in the DTI tensor according to DIPY convention i.e. Dxx (rate of diffusion from the left to right side of the brain), Image of second element in the DTI tensor according to DIPY convention i.e. Dyy (rate of diffusion from the posterior to anterior part of the brain), Image of third element in the DTI tensor according to DIPY convention i.e. Dzz (rate of diffusion from the inferior to superior part of the brain), Image of fourth element in the DTI tensor according to DIPY convention i.e. Dxy (rate of diffusion in the xy plane indicating the relationship between the x and y directions), Image of fifth element in the DTI tensor according to DIPY convention i.e. Dxz (rate of diffusion in the xz plane indicating the relationship between the x and z directions), Image of sixth element in the DTI tensor according to DIPY convention i.e. Dyz (rate of diffusion in the yz plane indicating the relationship between the y and z directions) """ dti_lt_dict = {} for ii in range(6): dti_lt_dict[f"dti_lt{ii}"] = nib.Nifti1Image( dti_tf.lower_triangular()[..., ii], dwi_affine) return dti_lt_dict
@pimms.calc("dti_cfa") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DTI_desc-CFA_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DTI')
[docs]def dti_cfa(dti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DTI color fractional anisotropy """ return dti_tf.color_fa
@pimms.calc("dti_pdd") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DTI_desc-PDD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DTI')
[docs]def dti_pdd(dti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DTI principal diffusion direction """ pdd = dti_tf.directions.squeeze() # Invert the x coordinates: pdd[..., 0] = pdd[..., 0] * -1 return pdd
@pimms.calc("dti_md") @as_file('_odfmodel-DTI_desc-MD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DTI')
[docs]def dti_md(dti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DTI mean diffusivity """ return
@pimms.calc("dti_ga") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DTI_desc-GA_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DTI')
[docs]def dti_ga(dti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DTI geodesic anisotropy """ return
@pimms.calc("dti_rd") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DTI_desc-RD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DTI')
[docs]def dti_rd(dti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DTI radial diffusivity """ return dti_tf.rd
@pimms.calc("dti_ad") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DTI_desc-AD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DTI')
[docs]def dti_ad(dti_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DTI axial diffusivity """ return
@pimms.calc( "dki_kt0", "dki_kt1", "dki_kt2", "dki_kt3", "dki_kt4", "dki_kt5", "dki_kt6", "dki_kt7", "dki_kt8", "dki_kt9", "dki_kt10", "dki_kt11", "dki_kt12", "dki_kt13", "dki_kt14")
[docs]def dki_kt(dki_tf, dwi_affine): """ Image of first element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of second element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of third element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of fourth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of fifth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of sixth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of seventh element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of eighth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of ninth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of tenth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of eleventh element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of twelfth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of thirteenth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of fourteenth element in the DKI kurtosis model, Image of fifteenth element in the DKI kurtosis model """ dki_kt_dict = {} for ii in range(15): dki_kt_dict[f"dki_kt{ii}"] = nib.Nifti1Image( dki_tf.kt[..., ii], dwi_affine) return dki_kt_dict
@pimms.calc("dki_lt0", "dki_lt1", "dki_lt2", "dki_lt3", "dki_lt4", "dki_lt5")
[docs]def dki_lt(dki_tf, dwi_affine): """ Image of first element in the DTI tensor from DKI, Image of second element in the DTI tensor from DKI, Image of third element in the DTI tensor from DKI, Image of fourth element in the DTI tensor from DKI, Image of fifth element in the DTI tensor from DKI, Image of sixth element in the DTI tensor from DKI """ dki_lt_dict = {} for ii in range(6): dki_lt_dict[f"dki_lt{ii}"] = nib.Nifti1Image( dki_tf.lower_triangular()[..., ii], dwi_affine) return dki_lt_dict
@pimms.calc("dki_fa") @as_file('_odfmodel-DKI_desc-FA_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_fa(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI fractional anisotropy """ return dki_tf.fa
@pimms.calc("dki_md") @as_file('_odfmodel-DKI_desc-MD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_md(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI mean diffusivity """ return
@pimms.calc("dki_awf") @as_file('_odfmodel-DKI_desc-AWF_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_awf(dki_params, sphere='repulsion100', gtol=1e-2): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI axonal water fraction Parameters ---------- sphere : Sphere class instance, optional The sphere providing sample directions for the initial search of the maximal value of kurtosis. Default: 'repulsion100' gtol : float, optional This input is to refine kurtosis maxima under the precision of the directions sampled on the sphere class instance. The gradient of the convergence procedure must be less than gtol before successful termination. If gtol is None, fiber direction is directly taken from the initial sampled directions of the given sphere object. Default: 1e-2 """ dki_params = nib.load(dki_params).get_fdata() return axonal_water_fraction(dki_params, sphere=sphere, gtol=gtol)
@pimms.calc("dki_mk") @as_file('_odfmodel-DKI_desc-MK_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_mk(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI mean kurtosis file """ return
@pimms.calc("dki_kfa") @as_file('_odfmodel-DKI_desc-KFA_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_kfa(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI kurtosis FA file References ---------- .. [Hansen2019] Hansen B. An Introduction to Kurtosis Fractional Anisotropy. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2019 Oct;40(10):1638-1641. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A6235. Epub 2019 Sep 26. PMID: 31558496; PMCID: PMC7028548. """ return dki_tf.kfa
@pimms.calc("dki_ga") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DKI_desc-GA_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_ga(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI geodesic anisotropy """ return
@pimms.calc("dki_rd") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DKI_desc-RD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_rd(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI radial diffusivity """ return dki_tf.rd
@pimms.calc("dki_ad") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DKI_desc-AD_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_ad(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI axial diffusivity """ return
@pimms.calc("dki_rk") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DKI_desc-RK_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_rk(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI radial kurtosis """ return dki_tf.rk
@pimms.calc("dki_ak") @as_file(suffix='_odfmodel-DKI_desc-AK_dwi.nii.gz') @as_fit_deriv('DKI')
[docs]def dki_ak(dki_tf): """ full path to a nifti file containing the DKI axial kurtosis file """ return dki_tf.ak
@pimms.calc("brain_mask") @as_file('_desc-brain_mask.nii.gz')
[docs]def brain_mask(b0, brain_mask_definition=None): """ full path to a nifti file containing the brain mask Parameters ---------- brain_mask_definition : instance from `AFQ.definitions.image`, optional This will be used to create the brain mask, which gets applied before registration to a template. If you want no brain mask to be applied, use FullImage. If None, use B0Image() Default: None """ # Note that any case where brain_mask_definition is not None # is handled in get_data_plan # This is just the default return B0Image().get_image_getter("data")(b0)
@pimms.calc("bundle_dict", "reg_template")
[docs]def get_bundle_dict(segmentation_params, brain_mask, bids_info, b0, bundle_info=None, reg_template_spec="mni_T1"): """ Dictionary defining the different bundles to be segmented, and a Nifti1Image containing the template for registration Parameters ---------- bundle_info : dict or BundleDict, optional A dictionary or BundleDict for use in segmentation. See `Defining Custom Bundle Dictionaries` in the `usage` section of pyAFQ's documentation for details. If None, will get all appropriate bundles for the chosen segmentation algorithm. Default: None reg_template_spec : str, or Nifti1Image, optional The target image data for registration. Can either be a Nifti1Image, a path to a Nifti1Image, or if "mni_T2", "dti_fa_template", "hcp_atlas", or "mni_T1", image data will be loaded automatically. If "hcp_atlas" is used, slr registration will be used and reg_subject should be "subject_sls". Default: "mni_T1" """ if not isinstance(reg_template_spec, str)\ and not isinstance(reg_template_spec, nib.Nifti1Image): raise TypeError( "reg_template must be a str or Nifti1Image") if bundle_info is not None and not (( isinstance(bundle_info, dict)) or ( isinstance(bundle_info, abd.BundleDict))): raise TypeError(( "bundle_info must be" " a dict, or a BundleDict")) if bundle_info is None: if segmentation_params["seg_algo"] == "reco" or\ segmentation_params["seg_algo"] == "reco16": bundle_info = abd.reco_bd(16) elif segmentation_params["seg_algo"] == "reco80": bundle_info = abd.reco_bd(80) else: bundle_info = abd.default18_bd() + abd.callosal_bd() use_brain_mask = True brain_mask = nib.load(brain_mask).get_fdata() if np.all(brain_mask == 1.0): use_brain_mask = False if isinstance(reg_template_spec, nib.Nifti1Image): reg_template = reg_template_spec else: img_l = reg_template_spec.lower() if img_l == "mni_t2": reg_template = afd.read_mni_template( mask=use_brain_mask, weight="T2w") elif img_l == "mni_t1": reg_template = afd.read_mni_template( mask=use_brain_mask, weight="T1w") elif img_l == "dti_fa_template": reg_template = afd.read_ukbb_fa_template(mask=use_brain_mask) elif img_l == "hcp_atlas": reg_template = afd.read_mni_template(mask=use_brain_mask) elif img_l == "pediatric": reg_template = afd.read_pediatric_templates()[ "UNCNeo-withCerebellum-for-babyAFQ"] else: reg_template = nib.load(reg_template_spec) if isinstance(bundle_info, abd.BundleDict): bundle_dict = bundle_info.copy() else: bundle_dict = abd.BundleDict( bundle_info, seg_algo=segmentation_params["seg_algo"], resample_to=reg_template) if bids_info is not None: bundle_dict.set_bids_info( bids_info["bids_layout"], b0, bids_info["subject"], bids_info["session"]) return bundle_dict, reg_template
[docs]def get_data_plan(kwargs): if "scalars" in kwargs and not ( isinstance(kwargs["scalars"], list) and isinstance( kwargs["scalars"][0], (str, Definition))): raise TypeError( "scalars must be a list of " "strings/scalar definitions") data_tasks = with_name([ get_data_gtab, b0, b0_mask, brain_mask, dti_fit, dki_fit, fwdti_fit, anisotropic_power_map, csd_anisotropic_index, dti_fa, dti_lt, dti_cfa, dti_pdd, dti_md, dki_kt, dki_lt, dki_fa, gq, gq_pmap, gq_ai, opdt_params, opdt_pmap, opdt_ai, csa_params, csa_pmap, csa_ai, fwdti_fa, fwdti_md, fwdti_fwf, msdki_fit, msdki_params, msdki_msd, msdki_msk, dki_md, dki_awf, dki_mk, dki_kfa, dki_ga, dki_rd, dti_ga, dti_rd, dti_ad, dki_ad, dki_rk, dki_ak, dti_params, dki_params, fwdti_params, csd_params, get_bundle_dict]) if "scalars" not in kwargs: bvals, _ = read_bvals_bvecs(kwargs["bval"], kwargs["bvec"]) if len(dpg.unique_bvals_magnitude(bvals)) > 2: kwargs["scalars"] = [ "dki_fa", "dki_md", "dki_kfa", "dki_mk"] else: kwargs["scalars"] = [ "dti_fa", "dti_md"] else: scalars = [] for scalar in kwargs["scalars"]: if isinstance(scalar, str): scalars.append(scalar.lower()) else: scalars.append(scalar) kwargs["scalars"] = scalars bm_def = kwargs.get( "brain_mask_definition", None) if bm_def is not None: if not isinstance(bm_def, Definition): raise TypeError( "brain_mask_definition must be a Definition") if kwargs["bids_info"] is not None: bm_def.find_path( kwargs["bids_info"]["bids_layout"], kwargs["dwi_path"], kwargs["bids_info"]["subject"], kwargs["bids_info"]["session"]) data_tasks["brain_mask_res"] = pimms.calc("brain_mask")( as_file(( f'_desc-{str_to_desc(bm_def.get_name())}' '_dwi.nii.gz'))(bm_def.get_image_getter("data"))) return pimms.plan(**data_tasks)