:py:mod:`AFQ.utils.volume` ========================== .. py:module:: AFQ.utils.volume Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: AFQ.utils.volume.transform_inverse_roi AFQ.utils.volume.patch_up_roi AFQ.utils.volume.density_map AFQ.utils.volume.dice_coeff Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: AFQ.utils.volume.logger .. py:data:: logger .. py:function:: transform_inverse_roi(roi, mapping, bundle_name='ROI') After being non-linearly transformed, ROIs tend to have holes in them. We perform a couple of computational geometry operations on the ROI to fix that up. :Parameters: **roi** : Nifti1Image, str, ndarray The ROI to transform. Can be a path or image, which will be converted to an ndarray. **mapping** : DiffeomorphicMap object A mapping between DWI space and a template. **bundle_name** : str, optional Name of bundle, which may be useful for error messages. Default: None :Returns: ROI after dilation and hole-filling .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: patch_up_roi(roi, bundle_name='ROI') After being non-linearly transformed, ROIs tend to have holes in them. We perform a couple of computational geometry operations on the ROI to fix that up. :Parameters: **roi** : 3D binary array The ROI after it has been transformed. **bundle_name** : str, optional Name of bundle, which may be useful for error messages. Default: None :Returns: ROI after dilation and hole-filling .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: density_map(tractogram, n_sls=None, normalize=False) Create a streamline density map. based on: https://dipy.org/documentation/1.1.1./examples_built/streamline_formats/ :Parameters: **tractogram** : StatefulTractogram Stateful tractogram whose streamlines are used to make the density map. **n_sls** : int or None, optional n_sls to randomly select to make the density map. If None, all streamlines are used. Default: None **normalize** : bool, optional Whether to normalize maximum values to 1. Default: False :Returns: Nifti1Image containing the density map. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: dice_coeff(arr1, arr2, weighted=True) Compute Dice's coefficient between two images. :Parameters: **arr1** : Nifti1Image, str, ndarray One ndarray to compare. Can be a path or image, which will be converted to an ndarray. **arr2** : Nifti1Image, str, ndarray The other ndarray to compare. Can be a path or image, which will be converted to an ndarray. **weighted** : bool, optional Whether or not to weight the DICE coefficient as in [Cousineau2017]_. The weighted Dice coefficient is calculated by adding the sum of all values in arr1 where arr2 is nonzero to the sum of all values in arr2 where arr1 is nonzero, then dividing that by the sum of all values in arr1 and arr2. Default: True :Returns: The dice similarity between the images. .. .. rubric:: Notes .. [R525e1fe6798e-1] Cousineau M, Jodoin PM, Morency FC, et al. A test-retest study on Parkinson's PPMI dataset yields statistically significant white matter fascicles. Neuroimage Clin. 2017;16:222-233. Published 2017 Jul 25. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.020 .. !! processed by numpydoc !!