.. _home: .. figure:: _static/BDE_Banner_revised20160211-01.jpg :align: center :figclass: align-center :target: http://brainandeducation.com AFQ-Browser: ============ visualizing and sharing Automated Fiber Quantification results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This software generates a browser-based visualization of data processed with the `Automated Fiber Quantification (AFQ) `_ software. For `example `_. Tractography based on diffusion weighted MRI (dMRI) is used to find the major white matter fascicles (tracts) in the living human brain. The health of these tracts is an important factor underlying many cognitive and neurological disorders. `AFQ` is a sofware package focused on automated delineation of the major fiber tracts in individual human brains, and quantification of the tissue properties within the tracts (`Yeatman et al. 2012 `_). This software package allows researchers to interactively query the data processed with `AFQ` (or other similar software) to explore patterns in the data. AFQ-Browser paper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are interested in technical details and motivation behind this project, please read our `paper `_. A slide presentation about the project is available `here `_. Acknowledgements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this work was supported by a grant from the `Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation `_, and from the `Alfred P. Sloan Foundation `_ to the `University of Washington eScience Institute `_. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation_guide usage_guide getting_help dataformat long_term_preservation binder_integration api .. _AFQ: http://github.com/yeatmanlab/AFQ