"""Transform AFQ data."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
from .utils import CANONICAL_TRACT_NAMES
__all__ = [
[docs]class AFQDataFrameMapper(DataFrameMapper):
"""Map pandas dataframe to sklearn feature matrix.
This object first converts an AFQ nodes.csv dataframe into a feature
matrix with rows corresponding to subjects and columns corresponding to
tract profile values. It interpolates along tracts to fill missing values
and then maps the dataframe onto a 2D feature matrix for ingestion into
sklearn-compatible estimators. It also maintains attributes for the
subject index, feature names, and groups of features.
df_mapper_params : kwargs, default=dict(features=[], default=None)
Keyword arguments passed to sklearn_pandas.DataFrameMapper. You will
probably not need to change these defaults.
pd_interpolate_params : kwargs, default=dict(method="linear", limit_direction="both", limit_area="inside")
Keyword arguments passed to pandas.DataFrame.interpolate. Missing
values are interpolated within the tract profile so that no data is
used from other subjects, tracts, or metrics, minimizing the chance
of train/test leakage. You will probably not need to change these
bundle_agg_func : function, str, list or dict, optional
If provided, a function to use for aggregating the nodes in each tract.
If a function, must either work when passed a DataFrame or when passed
to DataFrame.apply.
Accepted combinations are:
- function
- string function name
- list of functions and/or function names, e.g. [np.sum, 'mean']
By default, this mapper will not aggregate but will return values at
each node.
subjects_ : list
List of subject IDs retrieved from pandas dataframe index.
groups_ : list of numpy.ndarray
List of arrays of non-overlapping indices for each group. For
example, if nine features are grouped into equal contiguous groups of
three, then groups would be ``[array([0, 1, 2]), array([3, 4, 5]),
array([6, 7, 8])]``.
feature_names_ : list of tuples
List of feature column names.
def __init__(
self.subjects_ = []
self.groups_ = []
self.concat_subject_session = concat_subject_session
self.pd_interpolate_kwargs = pd_interpolate_kwargs
self.bundle_agg_func = bundle_agg_func
kwargs = {"features": [], "default": None}
def _bundle_agg(self, X, agg_func, set_attributes=True):
X = X.copy()
if "sessionID" in X.columns and self.concat_subject_session:
X.subjectID = X.subjectID + X.sessionID
X = X.drop("sessionID", axis="columns", errors="ignore")
features = (
X.groupby(["subjectID", "tractID"])
.drop("nodeID", axis="columns")
if set_attributes:
self.subjects_ = features.index.tolist()
self.groups_ = [np.array([idx]) for idx in range(len(features.columns))]
return features
def _preprocess(self, X, set_attributes=True):
# We'd like to interpolate the missing values, but first we need to
# structure the data frame so that it does not interpolate from other
# subjects, tracts, or metrics. It should only interpolate from nearby
# nodes. So we want the nodeID as the row index and all the other
# stuff as columns . After that we can interpolate along each column.
X = X.copy()
if "sessionID" in X.columns and self.concat_subject_session:
X.subjectID = X.subjectID.astype(str) + X.sessionID.astype(str)
X = X.drop("sessionID", axis="columns", errors="ignore")
by_node_idx = pd.pivot_table(
data=X.melt(id_vars=["subjectID", "tractID", "nodeID"], var_name="metric"),
columns=["metric", "tractID", "subjectID"],
# Interpolate the missing values, using self.pd_interpolate_kwargs
interp_kwargs = {
"method": "linear",
"limit_direction": "both",
"limit_area": "inside",
if self.pd_interpolate_kwargs is not None:
interpolated = by_node_idx.interpolate(**interp_kwargs)
# Now we have the NaN values filled in, we want to structure the nodes
# dataframe as a feature matrix with one row per subject and one
# column for each combination of metric, tractID, and nodeID
features = interpolated.stack(["subjectID", "tractID", "metric"]).unstack(
["metric", "tractID", "nodeID"]
# We're almost there. It'd be nice if the multi-indexed columns were
# ordered well. So let's reorder the columns
new_columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
features.columns.levels, names=["metric", "tractID", "nodeID"]
features = features.loc[:, new_columns]
# Lastly, there may still be some NaN values. After interpolating
# above, the only NaN values left should be the ones created after
# stacking and unstacking due to a subject missing an entire tract. In
# this case, we do not fill these values and instead recommend that
# users use an imputer from sklearn.impute
if set_attributes:
# Construct bundle group membership
metric_level = features.columns.names.index("metric")
tract_level = features.columns.names.index("tractID")
n_tracts = len(features.columns.levels[tract_level])
bundle_group_membership = np.array(
features.columns.codes[metric_level].astype(np.int64) * n_tracts
+ features.columns.codes[tract_level].astype(np.int64),
# Done, now let's extract the subject IDs from the index
self.subjects_ = features.index.tolist()
self.groups_ = [
np.where(bundle_group_membership == gid)[0]
for gid in np.unique(bundle_group_membership)
return features
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit a transform from the given dataframe.
X : pandas.DataFrame
The data to fit
y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets), optional
Target values. Unused in this transformer
if self.bundle_agg_func is None:
features = self._preprocess(X, set_attributes=True)
features = self._bundle_agg(X, self.bundle_agg_func, set_attributes=True)
return super().fit(features, y)
def transform(self, X):
"""Transform the input data.
This assumes that ``fit`` or ``fit_transform`` has already been called.
X : pandas.DataFrame
The data to transform
if self.bundle_agg_func is None:
features = self._preprocess(X, set_attributes=False)
features = self._bundle_agg(
X, agg_func=self.bundle_agg_func, set_attributes=False
return super().transform(features)
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit a transform from the given dataframe and apply directly to given data.
X : pandas.DataFrame
The data to fit
y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets), optional
Target values. Unused in this transformer
if self.bundle_agg_func is None:
features = self._preprocess(X, set_attributes=True)
features = self._bundle_agg(
X, agg_func=self.bundle_agg_func, set_attributes=True
return super().fit_transform(features, y)
def feature_names_(self):
"""Return the feature names."""
return self.transformed_names_
def isiterable(obj):
"""Return True if obj is an iterable, False otherwise."""
_ = iter(obj) # noqa F841
except TypeError:
return False
return True
def multicol2sets(columns, tract_symmetry=True):
"""Convert a pandas MultiIndex to an array of sets.
columns : pandas.MultiIndex
multi-indexed columns used to generate the result
tract_symmetry : boolean, optional
If True, then another tract item will be added to each set
if the set contains a tract containing "Left" or "Right."
The added tract will be the more general (i.e. symmetrized) name.
Default: True
col_sets : numpy.ndarray
An array of sets containing the tuples of the input MultiIndex
col_vals = columns.to_numpy()
if tract_symmetry:
tract_idx = columns.names.index("tractID")
bilateral_symmetry = {
tract: tract.replace("Left", "").replace("Right", "").strip(" ")
for tract in columns.levels[tract_idx]
col_vals = np.array([x + (bilateral_symmetry[x[tract_idx]],) for x in col_vals])
col_vals = np.array([tuple([str(el) for el in tup]) for tup in col_vals])
col_sets = np.array(list(map(lambda c: set(c), col_vals)))
return col_sets
def multicol2dicts(columns, tract_symmetry=True):
"""Convert a pandas MultiIndex to an array of dicts.
columns : pandas.MultiIndex
multi-indexed columns used to generate the result
tract_symmetry : boolean, optional
If True, then another tract item will be added to each set
if the set contains a tract containing "Left" or "Right."
The added tract will be the more general (i.e. symmetrized) name.
Default: True
col_dicts : list
An array of dicts containing the tuples of the input MultiIndex
col_vals = columns.to_numpy()
col_names = columns.names
if tract_symmetry:
tract_idx = columns.names.index("tractID")
bilateral_symmetry = {
tract: tract.replace("Left", "").replace("Right", "").strip(" ")
for tract in columns.levels[tract_idx]
col_vals = np.array([x + (bilateral_symmetry[x[tract_idx]],) for x in col_vals])
col_names = list(col_names) + ["symmetrized_tractID"]
col_vals = np.array([tuple([str(el) for el in tup]) for tup in col_vals])
col_dicts = [dict(zip(col_names, vals)) for vals in col_vals]
return col_dicts
def sort_features(features, scores):
"""Sort features by importance.
features : sequence of features
Sequence of features, can be the returned values from multicol2sets
or multicol2dicts
scores : sequence of scores
importance scores for each feature
Sorted list of columns and scores
res = sorted(
[(feat, score) for feat, score in zip(features, scores)],
key=lambda s: np.abs(s[1]),
return res
def beta_hat_by_groups(beta_hat, columns, drop_zeros=False):
"""Transform one-dimensional beta_hat array into OrderedDict.
Organize by tract-metric groups
beta_hat : np.ndarray
one-dimensional array of feature coefficients
columns : pd.MultiIndex
MultiIndex columns of the feature matrix
drop_zeros : bool, default=False
If True, only include betas for which there are non-zero values
Two-level ordered dict with beta_hat coefficients, ordered first
by tract and then by metric
See Also
Transforms AFQ csv files into feature matrix. Use this to create
the `columns` input.
betas = OrderedDict()
label_sets = multicol2sets(columns, tract_symmetry=False)
for tract in columns.levels[columns.names.index("tractID")]:
tract_mask = set([tract]) <= label_sets
all_metrics = np.copy(beta_hat[tract_mask])
if not drop_zeros or any(all_metrics != 0):
betas[tract] = OrderedDict()
for metric in columns.levels[columns.names.index("metric")]:
metric_mask = set([tract, metric]) <= label_sets
x = np.copy(beta_hat[metric_mask])
if not drop_zeros or any(x != 0):
betas[tract][metric] = x
return betas
def unfold_beta_hat_by_metrics(beta_hat, columns, tract_names=None):
"""Transform one-dimensional beta_hat array into OrderedDict.
Organize by tract-metric groups
beta_hat : np.ndarray
one-dimensional array of feature coefficients
columns : pd.MultiIndex
MultiIndex columns of the feature matrix
tract_names : list or None, default=None
Names of the tracts. If None, use utils.CANONICAL_TRACT_NAMES
Single-level ordered dict with beta_hat coefficients.
The keys are the metrics and the values are the unfolded beta_hat
See Also
Transforms AFQ csv files into feature matrix. Use this to create
the `columns` input.
Returns a two-level ordered dict instead of "unfolding" the tracts
betas = OrderedDict()
betas_by_groups = beta_hat_by_groups(beta_hat, columns, drop_zeros=False)
tracts = CANONICAL_TRACT_NAMES if tract_names is None else tract_names
for metric in columns.levels[columns.names.index("metric")]:
betas[metric] = []
for tract in tracts:
betas[metric] = np.concatenate(betas[metric])
return betas