Source code for AFQ.segmentation

import os.path as op
import os
import logging
from time import time

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.stats import zscore
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation

import dipy.tracking.streamline as dts
import dipy.tracking.streamlinespeed as dps
from dipy.segment.bundles import RecoBundles
from dipy.stats.analysis import gaussian_weights
from import StatefulTractogram, Space
from import save_tractogram, load_tractogram
from dipy.utils.parallel import paramap
from dipy.segment.clustering import QuickBundles
from dipy.segment.metricspeed import AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric
from dipy.segment.featurespeed import ResampleFeature

import AFQ.utils.models as ut
import as afd
from import BUNDLE_RECO_2_AFQ
from AFQ.api.bundle_dict import BundleDict
from AFQ.definitions.mapping import ConformedFnirtMapping
from AFQ._fixes import gaussian_weights

__all__ = ["Segmentation", "clean_bundle", "clean_by_endpoints"]

logger = logging.getLogger('AFQ')

def _resample_tg(tg, n_points):
    # reformat for dipy's set_number_of_points
    if isinstance(tg, np.ndarray):
        if len(tg.shape) > 2:
            streamlines = tg.tolist()
            streamlines = [np.asarray(item) for item in streamlines]
    elif hasattr(tg, "streamlines"):
        streamlines = tg.streamlines
        streamlines = tg

    return dps.set_number_of_points(streamlines, n_points)

class _SlsBeingRecognized:
    def __init__(self, sls, logger, save_intermediates, b_name, ref,
        self.oriented_yet = False
        self.selected_fiber_idxs = np.arange(len(sls), dtype=np.uint32)
        self.sls_flipped = np.zeros(len(sls), dtype=np.bool8)
        self.bundle_vote = np.full(len(sls), -np.inf, dtype=np.float32)
        self.logger = logger
        self.start_time = -1
        self.save_intermediates = save_intermediates
        self.b_name = b_name
        self.ref_sls = sls
        self.ref = ref
        self.n_roi_dists = n_roi_dists

    def initiate_selection(self, clean_name):
        self.start_time = time()"Filtering by {clean_name}")
        return np.zeros(len(self.selected_fiber_idxs), dtype=np.bool8)

    def select(self, idx, clean_name, cut=False):
        self.selected_fiber_idxs = self.selected_fiber_idxs[idx]
        self.sls_flipped = self.sls_flipped[idx]
        self.bundle_vote = self.bundle_vote[idx]
        if hasattr(self, "roi_dists"):
            self.roi_dists = self.roi_dists[idx]
        time_taken = time() - self.start_time
            f"After filtering by {clean_name} (time: {time_taken}s), "
            f"{len(self)} streamlines remain.")
        if self.save_intermediates is not None:
                    self.ref, Space.VOX),

    def get_selected_sls(self, cut=False, flip=False):
        selected_sls = self.ref_sls[self.selected_fiber_idxs]
        if cut and hasattr(self, "roi_dists") and self.n_roi_dists > 1:
            selected_sls = _cut_sls_by_dist(
                selected_sls, self.roi_dists,
                (0, self.n_roi_dists - 1),
        if flip:
            selected_sls = _flip_sls(
                selected_sls, self.sls_flipped,
        return selected_sls

    def reorient(self, idx):
        if self.oriented_yet:
            raise RuntimeError((
                "Attempted to oriented streamlines "
                "that were already oriented. "
                "This is a bug in the implementation of a "
                "bundle recognition procedure. "))
        self.oriented_yet = True
        self.sls_flipped[idx] = True

    def __bool__(self):
        return len(self) > 0

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.selected_fiber_idxs)

[docs]class Segmentation: def __init__(self, nb_points=False, nb_streamlines=False, seg_algo='AFQ', clip_edges=False, parallel_segmentation={"engine": "serial"}, progressive=True, greater_than=50, rm_small_clusters=50, model_clust_thr=1.25, reduction_thr=25, refine=False, pruning_thr=12, b0_threshold=50, prob_threshold=0, roi_dist_tie_break=False, dist_to_waypoint=None, rng=None, return_idx=False, presegment_bundle_dict=None, presegment_kwargs={}, filter_by_endpoints=True, dist_to_atlas=4, save_intermediates=None, cleaning_params={}): """ Segment streamlines into bundles. Parameters ---------- nb_points : int, boolean Resample streamlines to nb_points number of points. If False, no resampling is done. Default: False nb_streamlines : int, boolean Subsample streamlines to nb_streamlines. If False, no subsampling is don. Default: False seg_algo : string Algorithm for segmentation (case-insensitive): 'AFQ': Segment streamlines into bundles, based on inclusion/exclusion ROIs. 'Reco': Segment streamlines using the RecoBundles algorithm [Garyfallidis2017]. Default: 'AFQ' clip_edges : bool Whether to clip the streamlines to be only in between the ROIs. Default: False parallel_segmentation : dict or AFQ.api.BundleDict How to parallelize segmentation across processes when performing waypoint ROI segmentation. Set to {"engine": "serial"} to not perform parallelization. Some engines may cause errors, depending on the system. See ``dipy.utils.parallel.paramap`` for details. Default: {"engine": "serial"} rm_small_clusters : int Using RecoBundles Algorithm. Remove clusters that have less than this value during whole brain SLR. Default: 50 model_clust_thr : int Parameter passed on to recognize for Recobundles. See Recobundles documentation. Default: 1.25 reduction_thr : int Parameter passed on to recognize for Recobundles. See Recobundles documentation. Default: 25 refine : bool Parameter passed on to recognize for Recobundles. See Recobundles documentation. Default: False pruning_thr : int Parameter passed on to recognize for Recobundles. See Recobundles documentation. Default: 12 progressive : boolean, optional Using RecoBundles Algorithm. Whether or not to use progressive technique during whole brain SLR. Default: True. greater_than : int, optional Using RecoBundles Algorithm. Keep streamlines that have length greater than this value during whole brain SLR. Default: 50. b0_threshold : float. Using AFQ Algorithm. All b-values with values less than or equal to `bo_threshold` are considered as b0s i.e. without diffusion weighting. Default: 50. prob_threshold : float. Using AFQ Algorithm. Initial cleaning of fiber groups is done using probability maps from [Hua2008]_. Here, we choose an average probability that needs to be exceeded for an individual streamline to be retained. Default: 0. roi_dist_tie_break : bool. Whether to use distance from nearest ROI as a tie breaker when a streamline qualifies as a part of multiple bundles. If False, probability maps are used. Default : False. dist_to_waypoint : float. The distance that a streamline node has to be from the waypoint ROI in order to be included or excluded. If set to None (default), will be calculated as the center-to-corner distance of the voxel in the diffusion data. If a bundle has inc_addtol or exc_addtol in its bundle_dict, that tolerance will be added to this distance. For example, if you wanted to increase tolerance for the right arcuate waypoint ROIs by 3 each, you could make the following modification to your bundle_dict: bundle_dict["Right Arcuate"]["inc_addtol"] = [3, 3] Additional tolerances can also be negative. rng : RandomState or int If None, creates RandomState. If int, creates RandomState with seed rng. Used in RecoBundles Algorithm. Default: None. return_idx : bool Whether to return the indices in the original streamlines as part of the output of segmentation. presegment_bundle_dict : dict or None If not None, presegment by ROIs before performing RecoBundles. Only used if seg_algo starts with 'Reco'. Meta-data for the segmentation. The format is something like:: {'bundle_name': { 'include':[img1, img2], 'prob_map': img3, 'cross_midline': False, 'start': img4, 'end': img5}} Default: None presegment_kwargs : dict Optional arguments for initializing the segmentation for the presegmentation. Only used if presegment_bundle_dict is not None. Default: {} filter_by_endpoints: bool Whether to filter the bundles based on their endpoints. Applies only when `seg_algo == 'AFQ'`. Default: True. dist_to_atlas : float If filter_by_endpoints is True, this is the required distance from the endpoints to the atlas ROIs. save_intermediates : str, optional The full path to a folder into which intermediate products are saved. Default: None, means no saving of intermediates. cleaning_params : dict, optional Cleaning params to pass to seg.clean_bundle. This will override the default parameters of that method. However, this can be overriden by setting the cleaning parameters in the bundle_dict. Default: {}. References ---------- .. [Hua2008] Hua K, Zhang J, Wakana S, Jiang H, Li X, et al. (2008) Tract probability maps in stereotaxic spaces: analyses of white matter anatomy and tract-specific quantification. Neuroimage 39: 336-347 """ self.logger = logger self.nb_points = nb_points self.nb_streamlines = nb_streamlines if rng is None: self.rng = np.random.RandomState() elif isinstance(rng, int): self.rng = np.random.RandomState(rng) else: self.rng = rng self.seg_algo = seg_algo.lower() self.prob_threshold = prob_threshold self.roi_dist_tie_break = roi_dist_tie_break self.dist_to_waypoint = dist_to_waypoint self.b0_threshold = b0_threshold = progressive self.greater_than = greater_than self.rm_small_clusters = rm_small_clusters self.model_clust_thr = model_clust_thr self.reduction_thr = reduction_thr self.refine = refine self.pruning_thr = pruning_thr self.return_idx = return_idx self.presegment_bundle_dict = presegment_bundle_dict self.presegment_kwargs = presegment_kwargs self.filter_by_endpoints = filter_by_endpoints self.dist_to_atlas = dist_to_atlas self.parallel_segmentation = parallel_segmentation self.cleaning_params = cleaning_params if (save_intermediates is not None) and \ (not op.exists(save_intermediates)): os.makedirs(save_intermediates, exist_ok=True) self.save_intermediates = save_intermediates self.clip_edges = clip_edges
[docs] def _read_tg(self, tg=None): if tg is None: tg = else: = tg self._tg_orig_space = if self.nb_streamlines and len( > self.nb_streamlines: = StatefulTractogram.from_sft( dts.select_random_set_of_streamlines(, self.nb_streamlines ), ) return tg
[docs] def segment(self, bundle_dict, tg, mapping, img, reg_prealign=None, reg_template=None, reset_tg_space=False): """ Segment streamlines into bundles based on either waypoint ROIs [Yeatman2012]_ or RecoBundles [Garyfallidis2017]_. Parameters ---------- bundle_dict: dict or AFQ.api.BundleDict Meta-data for the segmentation. The format is something like:: {'bundle_name': { 'include':[img1, img2], 'prob_map': img3, 'cross_midline': False, 'start': img4, 'end': img5}} tg : StatefulTractogram Bundles to segment mapping : DiffeomorphicMap, or equivalent interface A mapping between DWI space and a template. img : Nifti1Image Image to use as reference. reg_prealign : array, optional. The linear transformation to be applied to align input images to the reference space before warping under the deformation field. Default: None. reg_template : str or nib.Nifti1Image, optional. Template to use for registration. Default: MNI T2. reset_tg_space : bool, optional Whether to reset the space of the input tractogram after segmentation is complete. Default: False. Returns ------- dict : Where keys are bundle names, values are tractograms of these bundles. References ---------- .. [Yeatman2012] Yeatman, Jason D., Robert F. Dougherty, Nathaniel J. Myall, Brian A. Wandell, and Heidi M. Feldman. 2012. "Tract Profiles of White Matter Properties: Automating Fiber-Tract Quantification" PloS One 7 (11): e49790. .. [Garyfallidis17] Garyfallidis et al. Recognition of white matter bundles using local and global streamline-based registration and clustering, Neuroimage, 2017. """ self.img_affine = img.affine self.img = img"Preprocessing Streamlines") tg = self._read_tg(tg) # These are calculated as-needed self._fg_array = None self._crosses = None # If resampling over-write the sft: if self.nb_points: = StatefulTractogram( dps.set_number_of_points(, self.nb_points),, if reg_template is None: reg_template = afd.read_mni_template() self.reg_prealign = reg_prealign self.reg_template = reg_template self.mapping = mapping self.bundle_dict = bundle_dict if not isinstance(self.bundle_dict, BundleDict): self.bundle_dict = BundleDict(self.bundle_dict) if self.seg_algo == "afq": fiber_groups = self.segment_afq() elif self.seg_algo.startswith("reco"): fiber_groups = self.segment_reco() else: raise ValueError(f"The seg_algo input is {self.seg_algo}, which", "is not recognized") if reset_tg_space: # Return the input to the original space when you are done: return fiber_groups
[docs] def fgarray(self): """ Streamlines resampled to 20 points. """ if self._fg_array is None:"Resampling Streamlines...") start_time = time() self._fg_array = np.array(_resample_tg(, 20)) "Streamlines Resampled " f"(time: {time()-start_time}s)")) return self._fg_array
[docs] def crosses(self): """ Classify the streamlines by whether they cross the midline. Creates a crosses attribute which is an array of booleans. Each boolean corresponds to a streamline, and is whether or not that streamline crosses the midline. """ if self._crosses is None: # What is the x,y,z coordinate of 0,0,0 in the template space? zero_coord =, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])) self._crosses = np.logical_and( np.any(self.fgarray[:, :, 0] > zero_coord[0], axis=1), np.any(self.fgarray[:, :, 0] < zero_coord[0], axis=1)) return self._crosses
[docs] def _return_empty(self, bundle): """ Helper function for segment_afq, to return an empty dict under some conditions. """ if self.return_idx: self.fiber_groups[bundle] = {} self.fiber_groups[bundle]['sl'] = StatefulTractogram( [], self.img, Space.VOX) self.fiber_groups[bundle]['idx'] = np.array([]) else: self.fiber_groups[bundle] = StatefulTractogram( [], self.img, Space.VOX)
[docs] def _add_bundle_to_fiber_group(self, b_name, sl, idx, to_flip): """ Helper function for segment_afq, to add a bundle to a fiber group. """ sl = _flip_sls( sl, to_flip, in_place=False) sl = StatefulTractogram( sl, self.img, Space.VOX) if self.return_idx: self.fiber_groups[b_name] = {} self.fiber_groups[b_name]['sl'] = sl self.fiber_groups[b_name]['idx'] = idx else: self.fiber_groups[b_name] = sl
[docs] def _add_bundle_to_meta(self, bundle_name, bundle_info): bundle_info = bundle_info.copy() # remove keys that can never be serialized for key in [ 'include', 'exclude', 'prob_map', 'start', 'end', 'curvature']: bundle_info.pop(key, None) self.meta[bundle_name] = bundle_info
[docs] def segment_afq(self, tg=None): """ Assign streamlines to bundles using the waypoint ROI approach Parameters ---------- tg : StatefulTractogram class instance """ tg = self._read_tg(tg=tg) tg.to_vox() n_streamlines = len(tg) bundle_votes = np.full( (n_streamlines, len(self.bundle_dict)), -np.inf, dtype=np.float32) bundle_to_flip = np.zeros( (n_streamlines, len(self.bundle_dict)), dtype=np.bool8) bundle_roi_dists = -np.ones( ( n_streamlines, len(self.bundle_dict), self.bundle_dict.max_includes), dtype=np.uint32) self.fiber_groups = {} self.meta = {} # We need to calculate the size of a voxel, so we can transform # from mm to voxel units: R = self.img_affine[0:3, 0:3] vox_dim = np.mean(np.diag(np.linalg.cholesky( # Tolerance is set to the square of the distance to the corner # because we are using the squared Euclidean distance in calls to # `cdist` to make those calls faster. if self.dist_to_waypoint is None: tol = dts.dist_to_corner(self.img_affine) else: tol = self.dist_to_waypoint / vox_dim dist_to_atlas = int(self.dist_to_atlas / vox_dim)"Assigning Streamlines to Bundles") for bundle_idx, bundle_name in enumerate( self.bundle_dict.bundle_names):"Finding Streamlines for {bundle_name}") # Warp ROIs"Preparing ROIs for {bundle_name}") start_time = time() bundle_def = dict(self.bundle_dict.get_b_info(bundle_name)) bundle_def.update(self.bundle_dict.transform_rois( bundle_name, self.mapping, self.img_affine))"Time to prep ROIs: {time()-start_time}s") if "curvature" in bundle_def:"Loading curvature...") start_time = time() if "sft" in bundle_def["curvature"]: ref_sl = bundle_def["curvature"]["sft"] else: ref_sl = load_tractogram( bundle_def["curvature"]["path"], "same", bbox_valid_check=False) moved_ref_sl = self.move_streamlines( ref_sl, "subject") moved_ref_sl.to_vox() moved_ref_sl = moved_ref_sl.streamlines[0] moved_ref_curve = sl_curve( moved_ref_sl, len(moved_ref_sl)) "Time to load curves: " f"{time()-start_time}s")) b_sls = _SlsBeingRecognized( tg.streamlines, self.logger, self.save_intermediates, bundle_name, self.img, len(bundle_def.get("include", []))) # filter by probability map if "prob_map" in bundle_def: b_sls.initiate_selection("Prob. Map") # using entire fgarray here only because it is the first step fiber_probabilities = dts.values_from_volume( bundle_def["prob_map"].get_fdata(), self.fgarray, np.eye(4)) fiber_probabilities = np.mean(fiber_probabilities, -1) if not self.roi_dist_tie_break: b_sls.bundle_vote = fiber_probabilities fiber_probabilities > self.prob_threshold, "Prob. Map") elif not self.roi_dist_tie_break: b_sls.bundle_vote = np.ones(len(b_sls)) if b_sls and "cross_midline" in bundle_def: b_sls.initiate_selection("Cross Mid.") accepted = self.crosses[b_sls.selected_fiber_idxs] if not bundle_def["cross_midline"]: accepted = np.invert(accepted), "Cross Mid.") if b_sls and "start" in bundle_def: accept_idx = b_sls.initiate_selection("startpoint") clean_by_endpoints( b_sls.get_selected_sls(), bundle_def["start"], 0, tol=dist_to_atlas, flip_sls=b_sls.sls_flipped, accepted_idxs=accept_idx) if not b_sls.oriented_yet: accepted_idx_flipped = clean_by_endpoints( b_sls.get_selected_sls(), bundle_def["start"], -1, tol=dist_to_atlas) b_sls.reorient(accepted_idx_flipped) accept_idx = np.logical_xor( accepted_idx_flipped, accept_idx), "startpoint") if b_sls and "end" in bundle_def: accept_idx = b_sls.initiate_selection("endpoint") cleaned_idx = clean_by_endpoints( b_sls.get_selected_sls(), bundle_def["end"], -1, tol=dist_to_atlas, flip_sls=b_sls.sls_flipped, accepted_idxs=accept_idx) if not b_sls.oriented_yet: accepted_idx_flipped = clean_by_endpoints( b_sls.get_selected_sls(), bundle_def["end"], 0, tol=dist_to_atlas) b_sls.reorient(accepted_idx_flipped) accept_idx = np.logical_xor( accepted_idx_flipped, accept_idx), "endpoint") if b_sls and ( ("min_len" in bundle_def) or ("max_len" in bundle_def)): accept_idx = b_sls.initiate_selection("length") min_len = bundle_def.get("min_len", 0) / vox_dim max_len = bundle_def.get("max_len", np.inf) / vox_dim for idx, sl in enumerate(b_sls.get_selected_sls()): sl_len = np.sum( np.linalg.norm(np.diff(sl, axis=0), axis=1)) if sl_len >= min_len and sl_len <= max_len: accept_idx[idx] = 1, "length") if b_sls and "primary_axis" in bundle_def: b_sls.initiate_selection("orientation") accept_idx = clean_by_orientation( b_sls.get_selected_sls(), bundle_def["primary_axis"], bundle_def.get( "primary_axis_percentage", None)), "orientation") if b_sls and "include" in bundle_def: accept_idx = b_sls.initiate_selection("include") flip_using_include = len(bundle_def["include"]) > 1\ and not b_sls.oriented_yet if f'inc_addtol' in bundle_def: include_roi_tols = [] for inc_tol in bundle_def["inc_addtol"]: include_roi_tols.append((inc_tol / vox_dim + tol)**2) else: include_roi_tols = [tol**2] * len(bundle_def["include"]) include_rois = [] for include_roi in bundle_def["include"]: include_rois.append(np.array( np.where(include_roi.get_fdata())).T) # with parallel segmentation, the first for loop will # only collect streamlines and does not need tqdm if self.parallel_segmentation["engine"] != "serial": inc_results = paramap( _check_sl_with_inclusion, b_sls.get_selected_sls(), func_args=[ include_rois, include_roi_tols], **self.parallel_segmentation) else: inc_results = _check_sls_with_inclusion( b_sls.get_selected_sls(), include_rois, include_roi_tols) if self.roi_dist_tie_break: min_dist_coords = np.ones(len(b_sls)) roi_dists = -np.ones( (len(b_sls), self.bundle_dict.max_includes), dtype=np.int32) if flip_using_include: to_flip = np.ones_like(accept_idx, dtype=np.bool8) for sl_idx, inc_result in enumerate(inc_results): sl_accepted, sl_dist = inc_result if sl_accepted: if self.roi_dist_tie_break: min_dist_coords[sl_idx] = np.min(sl_dist) if len(sl_dist) > 1: roi_dists[sl_idx, :len(sl_dist)] = [ np.argmin(dist, 0)[0] for dist in sl_dist] first_roi_idx = roi_dists[sl_idx, 0] last_roi_idx = roi_dists[ sl_idx, len(sl_dist) - 1] # Only accept SLs that, when cut, are meaningful if (len(sl_dist) < 2) or abs( first_roi_idx - last_roi_idx) > 1: # Flip sl if it is close to second ROI # before its close to the first ROI if flip_using_include: to_flip[sl_idx] =\ first_roi_idx > last_roi_idx if to_flip[sl_idx]: roi_dists[sl_idx, :len(sl_dist)] =\ np.flip(roi_dists[ sl_idx, :len(sl_dist)]) accept_idx[sl_idx] = 1 else: accept_idx[sl_idx] = 1 # see if ( (self.parallel_segmentation.get( "engine", "joblib") != "serial") and (self.parallel_segmentation.get( "backend", "loky") == "loky")): from joblib.externals.loky import get_reusable_executor get_reusable_executor().shutdown(wait=True) if self.roi_dist_tie_break: b_sls.bundle_vote = -min_dist_coords b_sls.roi_dists = roi_dists if flip_using_include: b_sls.reorient(to_flip), "include") # Filters streamlines by how well they match # a curve in orientation and shape but not scale if b_sls and "curvature" in bundle_def: accept_idx = b_sls.initiate_selection("curvature") ref_curve_threshold = np.radians(bundle_def["curvature"].get( "thresh", 10)) cut = bundle_def["curvature"].get("cut", True) for idx, sl in enumerate(b_sls.get_selected_sls( cut=cut, flip=True)): if len(sl) > 1: this_sl_curve = sl_curve(sl, len(moved_ref_sl)) dist = sl_curve_dist(this_sl_curve, moved_ref_curve) if dist <= ref_curve_threshold: accept_idx[idx] = 1, "curvature", cut=cut) if b_sls and "exclude" in bundle_def: accept_idx = b_sls.initiate_selection("exclude") if f'exc_addtol' in bundle_def: exclude_roi_tols = [] for exc_tol in bundle_def["exc_addtol"]: exclude_roi_tols.append((exc_tol / vox_dim + tol)**2) else: exclude_roi_tols = [tol**2] * len(bundle_def["exclude"]) exclude_rois = [] for exclude_roi in bundle_def["exclude"]: exclude_rois.append(np.array( np.where(exclude_roi.get_fdata())).T) for sl_idx, sl in enumerate(b_sls.get_selected_sls()): if _check_sl_with_exclusion( sl, exclude_rois, exclude_roi_tols): accept_idx[sl_idx] = 1, "exclude") if b_sls and "qb_thresh" in bundle_def: b_sls.initiate_selection("qb_thresh") cut = self.clip_edges or ("bundlesection" in bundle_def) qbx = QuickBundles( bundle_def["qb_thresh"] / vox_dim, AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric( ResampleFeature(nb_points=12))) clusters = qbx.cluster(b_sls.get_selected_sls( cut=cut, flip=True)) cleaned_idx = clusters[np.argmax( clusters.clusters_sizes())].indices, "qb_thresh", cut=cut) if b_sls: accept_idx = b_sls.initiate_selection("Mahalanobis") clean_params = bundle_def.get("mahal", {}) clean_params = { **self.cleaning_params, **clean_params} clean_params["return_idx"] = True cut = self.clip_edges or ("bundlesection" in bundle_def) _, cleaned_idx = clean_bundle( b_sls.get_selected_sls(cut=cut, flip=True), **clean_params), "Mahalanobis", cut=cut) if b_sls and not b_sls.oriented_yet: raise ValueError( "pyAFQ was unable to consistently orient streamlines " f"in bundle {bundle_name} using the provided ROIs. " "This can be fixed by including at least 2 " "waypoint ROIs, or by using " "endpoint ROIs.") if b_sls: bundle_votes[ b_sls.selected_fiber_idxs, bundle_idx] = b_sls.bundle_vote.copy() bundle_to_flip[ b_sls.selected_fiber_idxs, bundle_idx] = b_sls.sls_flipped.copy() if hasattr(b_sls, "roi_dists"): bundle_roi_dists[ b_sls.selected_fiber_idxs, bundle_idx ] = b_sls.roi_dists.copy() if self.save_intermediates is not None: os.makedirs(self.save_intermediates, exist_ok=True) bc_path = op.join(self.save_intermediates, "sls_bundle_votes.npy"), bundle_votes) bundle_choice = np.argmax(bundle_votes, -1) bundle_choice[bundle_votes.max(-1) == -np.inf] = -1 # We do another round through, so that we can orient all the # streamlines within a bundle in the same orientation with respect to # the ROIs. This order is ARBITRARY but CONSISTENT (going from ROI0 # to ROI1)."Re-orienting streamlines to consistent directions") for bundle_idx, bundle in enumerate(self.bundle_dict.bundle_names):"Processing {bundle}") select_idx = np.where(bundle_choice == bundle_idx)[0] if len(select_idx) == 0: # There's nothing here, set and move to the next bundle: if "bundlesection" in self.bundle_dict.get_b_info(bundle): for sb_name in self.bundle_dict.get_b_info(bundle)[ "bundlesection"]: self._return_empty(sb_name) else: self._return_empty(bundle) continue # Use a list here, because ArraySequence doesn't support item # assignment: select_sl = list(tg.streamlines[select_idx]) roi_dists = bundle_roi_dists[select_idx, bundle_idx, :] n_includes = len(self.bundle_dict.get_b_info( bundle).get("include", [])) if self.clip_edges and n_includes > 1:"Clipping Streamlines by ROI") _cut_sls_by_dist( select_sl, roi_dists, (0, n_includes - 1), in_place=True) to_flip = bundle_to_flip[select_idx, bundle_idx] if "bundlesection" in self.bundle_dict[bundle]: for sb_name, sb_include_cuts in self.bundle_dict.get_b_info( bundle)["bundlesection"].items(): bundlesection_select_sl = _cut_sls_by_dist( select_sl, roi_dists, sb_include_cuts, in_place=False) self._add_bundle_to_fiber_group( sb_name, bundlesection_select_sl, select_idx, to_flip) self._add_bundle_to_meta(sb_name, bundle_def) else: self._add_bundle_to_fiber_group( bundle, select_sl, select_idx, to_flip) self._add_bundle_to_meta(bundle, bundle_def) return self.fiber_groups, self.meta
[docs] def move_streamlines(self, tg, to="template"): """Streamline-based registration of a whole-brain tractogram to the MNI whole-brain atlas. to : str "template" or "subject" """ tg_og_space = if isinstance(self.mapping, ConformedFnirtMapping): if to != "subject": raise ValueError( "Attempted to transform streamlines to template using " "unsupported mapping. " "Use something other than Fnirt.") tg.to_vox() moved_sl = [] for sl in tg.streamlines: moved_sl.append(self.mapping.transform_inverse_pts(sl)) else: tg.to_rasmm() if to == "template": volume = self.mapping.forward else: volume = self.mapping.backward delta = dts.values_from_volume( volume, tg.streamlines, np.eye(4)) moved_sl = dts.Streamlines( [d + s for d, s in zip(delta, tg.streamlines)]) if to == "template": ref = self.reg_template else: ref = self.img moved_sft = StatefulTractogram( moved_sl, ref, Space.RASMM) if self.save_intermediates is not None: save_tractogram( moved_sft, op.join(self.save_intermediates, f'sls_in_{to}.trk'), bbox_valid_check=False) tg.to_space(tg_og_space) return moved_sft
[docs] def segment_reco(self, tg=None): """ Segment streamlines using the RecoBundles algorithm [Garyfallidis2017] Parameters ---------- tg : StatefulTractogram class instance A whole-brain tractogram to be segmented. Returns ------- fiber_groups : dict Keys are names of the bundles, values are Streamline objects. The streamlines in each object have all been oriented to have the same orientation (using `dts.orient_by_streamline`). """ tg = self._read_tg(tg=tg) fiber_groups = {} # We generate our instance of RB with the moved streamlines:"Extracting Bundles") # If doing a presegmentation based on ROIs then initialize # that segmentation and segment using ROIs, else # RecoBundles based on the whole brain tractogram if self.presegment_bundle_dict is not None: roiseg = Segmentation(**self.presegment_kwargs) roiseg.segment( self.presegment_bundle_dict,, self.mapping, self.img, reg_template=self.reg_template, reg_prealign=self.reg_prealign) roiseg_fg = roiseg.fiber_groups else: moved_sl = self.move_streamlines(tg).streamlines rb = RecoBundles(moved_sl, verbose=False, rng=self.rng) # Next we'll iterate over bundles, registering each one: bundle_list = list(self.bundle_dict.keys()) if 'whole_brain' in bundle_list: bundle_list.remove('whole_brain')"Assigning Streamlines to Bundles") for bundle in bundle_list:"Finding streamlines for {bundle}") b_info = self.bundle_dict[bundle] model_sl = b_info['sl'] # If doing a presegmentation based on ROIs then initialize rb after # Filtering the whole brain tractogram to pass through ROIs if self.presegment_bundle_dict is not None: afq_bundle_name = BUNDLE_RECO_2_AFQ.get(bundle, bundle) if "return_idx" in self.presegment_kwargs\ and self.presegment_kwargs["return_idx"]: indiv_tg = roiseg_fg[afq_bundle_name]['sl'] else: indiv_tg = roiseg_fg[afq_bundle_name] if len(indiv_tg.streamlines) < 1: self.logger.warning(( f"No streamlines found by waypoint ROI " f"pre-segmentation for {bundle}. Using entire" f" tractography instead.")) indiv_tg = tg # Now rb should be initialized based on the fiber group coming # out of the roi segmentation indiv_tg = StatefulTractogram( indiv_tg.streamlines, self.img, Space.VOX) indiv_tg.to_rasmm() moved_sl = self.move_streamlines(indiv_tg).streamlines rb = RecoBundles( moved_sl, verbose=False, rng=self.rng) if self.save_intermediates is not None: if self.presegment_bundle_dict is not None: moved_fname = f"{bundle}_presegmentation.trk" else: moved_fname = "whole_brain.trk" moved_sft = StatefulTractogram( moved_sl, self.reg_template, Space.RASMM) save_tractogram( moved_sft, op.join(self.save_intermediates, moved_fname), bbox_valid_check=False) model_sft = StatefulTractogram( model_sl, self.reg_template, Space.RASMM) save_tractogram( model_sft, op.join(self.save_intermediates, f"{bundle}_model.trk"), bbox_valid_check=False) # Either whole brain tracgtogram or roi presegmented fiber group # goes to rb.recognize _, rec_labels = rb.recognize(model_bundle=model_sl, model_clust_thr=self.model_clust_thr, reduction_thr=self.reduction_thr, reduction_distance='mdf', slr=True, slr_metric='asymmetric', pruning_distance='mdf') # Use the streamlines in the original space: if self.presegment_bundle_dict is None: recognized_sl = tg.streamlines[rec_labels] else: recognized_sl = indiv_tg.streamlines[rec_labels] if self.refine and len(recognized_sl) > 0: _, rec_labels = rb.refine(model_sl, recognized_sl, self.model_clust_thr, reduction_thr=self.reduction_thr, pruning_thr=self.pruning_thr) if self.presegment_bundle_dict is None: recognized_sl = tg.streamlines[rec_labels] else: recognized_sl = indiv_tg.streamlines[rec_labels] standard_sl = next(iter(b_info['centroid'])) oriented_sl = dts.orient_by_streamline(recognized_sl, standard_sl) f"{len(oriented_sl)} streamlines selected with Recobundles") if self.return_idx: fiber_groups[bundle] = {} fiber_groups[bundle]['idx'] = rec_labels fiber_groups[bundle]['sl'] = StatefulTractogram(oriented_sl, self.img, Space.RASMM) else: fiber_groups[bundle] = StatefulTractogram(oriented_sl, self.img, Space.RASMM) self.fiber_groups = fiber_groups return fiber_groups, {}
def sl_curve(sl, n_points): """ Calculate the direction of the displacement between each point along a streamline Parameters ---------- sl : 2d array-like Streamline to calcualte displacements for. n_points : int Number of points to resample the streamline to Returns ------- 2d array of shape (len(sl)-1, 3) with displacements between each point in sl normalized to 1. """ # Resample to a standardized number of points resampled_sl = dps.set_number_of_points( sl, n_points) # displacement at each point resampled_sl_diff = np.diff(resampled_sl, axis=0) # normalize this displacement resampled_sl_diff = resampled_sl_diff / np.linalg.norm( resampled_sl_diff, axis=1)[:, None] return resampled_sl_diff def sl_curve_dist(curve1, curve2): """ Calculate the mean angle using the directions of displacement between two streamlines Parameters ---------- curve1, curve2 : 2d array-like Two curves calculated from sl_curve. Returns ------- The mean angle between each curve across all steps, in radians """ return np.mean(np.arccos(np.sum(curve1 * curve2, axis=1)))
[docs]def clean_bundle(tg, n_points=100, clean_rounds=5, distance_threshold=3, length_threshold=4, min_sl=20, stat='mean', return_idx=False): """ Clean a segmented fiber group based on the Mahalnobis distance of each streamline Parameters ---------- tg : StatefulTractogram class instance or ArraySequence A whole-brain tractogram to be segmented. n_points : int, optional Number of points to resample streamlines to. Default: 100 clean_rounds : int, optional. Number of rounds of cleaning based on the Mahalanobis distance from the mean of extracted bundles. Default: 5 distance_threshold : float, optional. Threshold of cleaning based on the Mahalanobis distance (the units are standard deviations). Default: 3. length_threshold: float, optional Threshold for cleaning based on length (in standard deviations). Length of any streamline should not be *more* than this number of stdevs from the mean length. min_sl : int, optional. Number of streamlines in a bundle under which we will not bother with cleaning outliers. Default: 20. stat : callable or str, optional. The statistic of each node relative to which the Mahalanobis is calculated. Default: `np.mean` (but can also use median, etc.) return_idx : bool Whether to return indices in the original streamlines. Default: False. Returns ------- A StatefulTractogram class instance containing only the streamlines that have a Mahalanobis distance smaller than `clean_threshold` from the mean of each one of the nodes. """ # Convert string to callable, if that's what you got. if isinstance(stat, str): stat = getattr(np, stat) if hasattr(tg, "streamlines"): streamlines = tg.streamlines else: streamlines = dts.Streamlines(tg) # We don't even bother if there aren't enough streamlines: if len(streamlines) < min_sl: if return_idx: return tg, np.arange(len(streamlines)) else: return tg # Resample once up-front: fgarray = np.asarray(_resample_tg(streamlines, n_points)) # Keep this around, so you can use it for indexing at the very end: idx = np.arange(len(fgarray)) # get lengths of each streamline lengths = np.array([sl.shape[0] for sl in streamlines]) # We'll only do this for clean_rounds rounds_elapsed = 0 idx_belong = idx while (rounds_elapsed < clean_rounds) and (np.sum(idx_belong) > min_sl): # Update by selection: idx = idx[idx_belong] fgarray = fgarray[idx_belong] lengths = lengths[idx_belong] rounds_elapsed += 1 # This calculates the Mahalanobis for each streamline/node: m_dist = gaussian_weights( fgarray, return_mahalnobis=True, n_points=n_points, stat=stat) logger.debug(f"Shape of fgarray: {np.asarray(fgarray).shape}") logger.debug(f"Shape of m_dist: {m_dist.shape}") logger.debug(f"Maximum m_dist: {np.max(m_dist)}") logger.debug(( f"Maximum m_dist for each fiber: " f"{np.max(m_dist, axis=1)}")) length_z = zscore(lengths) logger.debug(f"Shape of length_z: {length_z.shape}") logger.debug(f"Maximum length_z: {np.max(length_z)}") logger.debug(( "length_z for each fiber: " f"{length_z}")) if not ( np.any(m_dist > distance_threshold) or np.any(length_z > length_threshold)): break # Select the fibers that have Mahalanobis smaller than the # threshold for all their nodes: idx_dist = np.all(m_dist < distance_threshold, axis=-1) idx_len = length_z < length_threshold idx_belong = np.logical_and(idx_dist, idx_len) if np.sum(idx_belong) < min_sl: # need to sort and return exactly min_sl: idx_belong = np.argsort(np.sum( m_dist, axis=-1))[:min_sl].astype(int) logger.debug(( f"At rounds elapsed {rounds_elapsed}, " "minimum streamlines reached")) else: idx_removed = idx_belong == 0 logger.debug(( f"Rounds elapsed: {rounds_elapsed}, " f"num removed: {np.sum(idx_removed)}")) logger.debug(f"Removed indicies: {np.where(idx_removed)[0]}") # Select based on the variable that was keeping track of things for us: if hasattr(tg, "streamlines"): out = StatefulTractogram(tg.streamlines[idx], tg, Space.VOX) else: out = streamlines[idx] if return_idx: return out, idx else: return out
# Helper functions for segmenting using waypoint ROIs # they are not a part of the class because we do not want # copies of the class to be parallelized def _check_sls_with_inclusion(sls, include_rois, include_roi_tols): for sl in sls: yield _check_sl_with_inclusion( sl, include_rois, include_roi_tols) def _check_sl_with_inclusion(sl, include_rois, include_roi_tols): """ Helper function to check that a streamline is close to a list of inclusion ROIS. """ dist = [] for ii, roi in enumerate(include_rois): # Use squared Euclidean distance, because it's faster: dist.append(cdist(sl, roi, 'sqeuclidean')) if np.min(dist[-1]) > include_roi_tols[ii]: # Too far from one of them: return False, [] # Apparently you checked all the ROIs and it was close to all of them return True, dist def _check_sl_with_exclusion(sl, exclude_rois, exclude_roi_tols): """ Helper function to check that a streamline is not too close to a list of exclusion ROIs. """ for ii, roi in enumerate(exclude_rois): # Use squared Euclidean distance, because it's faster: if np.min(cdist(sl, roi, 'sqeuclidean')) < exclude_roi_tols[ii]: return False # Either there are no exclusion ROIs, or you are not close to any: return True def _flip_sls(select_sl, idx_to_flip, in_place=False): """ Helper function to flip streamlines """ if in_place: flipped_sl = select_sl else: flipped_sl = [None] * len(select_sl) for ii, sl in enumerate(select_sl): if idx_to_flip[ii]: flipped_sl[ii] = sl[::-1] else: flipped_sl[ii] = sl return flipped_sl def _cut_sls_by_dist(select_sl, roi_dists, roi_idxs, in_place=False): """ Helper function to cut streamlines according to which points are closest to certain rois. Parameters ---------- select_sl, streamlines to cut roi_dists, distances from a given streamline to a given inclusion roi roi_idxs, two indices into the list of inclusion rois to use for the cut in_place, whether to modify select_sl """ if in_place: cut_sl = select_sl else: cut_sl = [None] * len(select_sl) for idx, this_sl in enumerate(select_sl): if roi_idxs[0] == -1: min0 = 0 else: min0 = int(roi_dists[idx, roi_idxs[0]]) if roi_idxs[1] == -1: min1 = len(this_sl) else: min1 = int(roi_dists[idx, roi_idxs[1]]) # handle if sls not flipped if min0 > min1: min0, min1 = min1, min0 # If the point that is closest to the first ROI # is the same as the point closest to the second ROI, # include the surrounding points to make a streamline. if min0 == min1: min1 = min1 + 1 min0 = min0 - 1 cut_sl[idx] = this_sl[min0:min1] return cut_sl def clean_by_orientation(streamlines, primary_axis, tol=None): """ Compute the cardinal orientation of each streamline Parameters ---------- streamlines : sequence of N by 3 arrays Where N is number of nodes in the array, the collection of streamlines to filter down to. Returns ------- cleaned_idx, indicies of streamlines that passed cleaning, logical_and of other two returns along_accepted_idx, indices of streamlines that passed cleaning along the bundle end_accepted_idx, indices of streamlines that passed cleaning based on difference between endpoints of bundle """ axis_diff = np.zeros((len(streamlines), 3)) endpoint_diff = np.zeros((len(streamlines), 3)) for ii, sl in enumerate(streamlines): # endpoint diff is between first and last endpoint_diff[ii, :] = np.abs(sl[0, :] - sl[-1, :]) # axis diff is difference between the nodes, along axis_diff[ii, :] = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(sl, axis=0)), axis=0) orientation_along = np.argmax(axis_diff, axis=1) along_accepted_idx = orientation_along == primary_axis if tol is not None: percentage_primary = 100 * axis_diff[:, primary_axis] / np.sum( axis_diff, axis=1) logger.debug(( "Maximum primary percentage found: " f"{np.max(percentage_primary)}")) along_accepted_idx = np.logical_and( along_accepted_idx, percentage_primary > tol) orientation_end = np.argmax(endpoint_diff, axis=1) end_accepted_idx = orientation_end == primary_axis cleaned_idx = np.logical_and( along_accepted_idx, end_accepted_idx) return cleaned_idx
[docs]def clean_by_endpoints(streamlines, target, target_idx, tol=0, flip_sls=None, accepted_idxs=None): """ Clean a collection of streamlines based on an endpoint ROI. Filters down to only include items that have their start or end points close to the targets. Parameters ---------- streamlines : sequence of N by 3 arrays Where N is number of nodes in the array, the collection of streamlines to filter down to. target: Nifti1Image Nifti1Image containing a boolean representation of the ROI. target_idx: int. Index within each streamline to check if within the target region. Typically 0 for startpoint ROIs or -1 for endpoint ROIs. If using flip_sls, this becomes (len(sl) - this_idx - 1) % len(sl) tol : int, optional A distance tolerance (in units that the coordinates of the streamlines are represented in). Default: 0, which means that the endpoint is exactly in the coordinate of the target ROI. flip_sls : 1d array, optional Length is len(streamlines), whether to flip the streamline. accepted_idxs : 1d array, optional Boolean array, where entries correspond to eachs streamline, and streamlines that pass cleaning will be set to 1. Yields ------- boolean array of streamlines that survive cleaning. """ if accepted_idxs is None: accepted_idxs = np.zeros(len(streamlines), dtype=np.bool8) if flip_sls is None: flip_sls = np.zeros(len(streamlines)) flip_sls = flip_sls.astype(int) roi = target.get_fdata() if tol > 0: roi = binary_dilation( roi, iterations=tol) for ii, sl in enumerate(streamlines): this_idx = target_idx if flip_sls[ii]: this_idx = (len(sl) - this_idx - 1) % len(sl) xx, yy, zz = sl[this_idx].astype(int) accepted_idxs[ii] = roi[xx, yy, zz] return accepted_idxs