Source code for AFQ.utils.bin

import toml
import datetime
import platform
import os.path as op

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from funcargparse import FuncArgParser

from AFQ.definitions.image import *  # interprets masks loaded from toml
from AFQ.definitions.mapping import *  # interprets mappings loaded from toml
from AFQ.api.bundle_dict import *  # interprets bundle_dicts loaded from toml
from AFQ.definitions.utils import Definition
from AFQ.api.utils import kwargs_descriptors

import nibabel as nib  # allows users to input nibabel objects

[docs]def model_input_parser(usage): parser = ArgumentParser(usage) parser.add_argument("-d", "--dwi", dest='dwi', action="append", help="DWI files (enter one or more)") parser.add_argument("-l", "--bval", dest="bval", action="append", help="B-value files (enter one or more)") parser.add_argument("-c", "--bvec", dest="bvec", action="append", help="B-vector files (enter one or more)") parser.add_argument("-o", "--out_dir", dest="out_dir", action="store", help="""Full path to directory for files to be saved (will be created if it doesn't exist)")""") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mask", dest="mask", action="store", default=None, help="Mask file") parser.add_argument('-b', '--b0_threshold', dest="b0_threshold", action="store", help="b0 threshold", default=0) return parser
[docs]def model_predict_input_parser(usage): parser = ArgumentParser(usage) parser.add_argument("-p", "--params", dest="params", action="store", help="A file containing model params") parser.add_argument("-l", "--bval", dest="bval", action="append", help="B-value files (enter one or more)") parser.add_argument("-c", "--bvec", dest="bvec", action="append", help="B-vector files (enter one or more)") parser.add_argument("-o", "--out_dir", dest="out_dir", action="store", help="""Full path to directory for files to be saved (will be created if it doesn't exist)")""") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--S0_file", dest="S0_file", action="store", help="File containing S0 measurements to use in prediction") parser.add_argument('-b', '--b0_threshold', dest="b0_threshold", help="b0 threshold (default: 0)", action="store", default=0) return parser
[docs]def toml_to_val(t): if isinstance(t, str) and len(t) < 1: return None elif isinstance(t, list): ls = [] for e in t: ls.append(toml_to_val(e)) return ls elif isinstance(t, str) and t[0] == '[': return eval(t) elif isinstance(t, str) and t[0] == '{': return eval(t) # interpret as dictionary elif isinstance(t, str) and ( "Image" in t or "Map" in t or "Dict" in t or "_bd(" in t): try: definition_or_dict = eval(t) except NameError: return t if isinstance(definition_or_dict, Definition): return definition_or_dict elif isinstance(definition_or_dict, BundleDict): return definition_or_dict else: return t else: return t
[docs]def val_to_toml(v): if v is None: return '""' elif isinstance(v, Definition): return f'"{v.str_for_toml()}"' elif isinstance(v, str): return f'"{v}"' elif isinstance(v, bool): if v: return "true" else: return "false" elif callable(v): return f'"{v.__name__}"' elif isinstance(v, dict): return f'"{v}"' elif isinstance(v, list): return f'"{v}"' else: return f"{v}"
[docs]def dict_to_toml(dictionary): toml = '# Use \'\' to indicate None\n# Wrap dictionaries in quotes\n' toml = toml + '# Wrap definition object instantiations in quotes\n\n' for section, args in dictionary.items(): if section == "AFQ_desc": toml = "# " + dictionary["AFQ_desc"].replace("\n", "\n# ")\ + "\n\n" + toml continue toml = toml + f'[{section}]\n' for arg, arg_info in args.items(): toml = toml + '\n' if isinstance(arg_info, dict): if 'desc' in arg_info: toml = toml + arg_info['desc'] toml = toml + f"{arg} = {val_to_toml(arg_info['default'])}\n" else: toml = toml + f"{arg} = {val_to_toml(arg_info)}\n" toml = toml + '\n' return toml + '\n'
# these params are handled internally in the qsiprep pipeline, # not shown to the user (mostly BIDS filters stuff)
[docs]qsi_prep_ignore_params = [ "bids_path", "bids_filters", "preproc_pipeline", "participant_labels", "output_dir"]
[docs]def dict_to_json(dictionary): json = " " local_ignore = qsi_prep_ignore_params.copy() for section, args in dictionary.items(): if section == "AFQ_desc": continue for arg, arg_info in args.items(): if arg in local_ignore: continue local_ignore.append(arg) if isinstance(arg_info, dict): json = json\ + f'"{arg}": {val_to_toml(arg_info["default"])}' else: json = json + f'"{arg}": {val_to_toml(arg_info)}' json = json + ',\n ' return json[:-18] # remove trailing ,\n and indent
[docs]def func_dict_to_arg_dict(func_dict=None, logger=None): if func_dict is None: import AFQ.segmentation as seg import AFQ.tractography.tractography as aft from import GroupAFQ func_dict = { "BIDS": GroupAFQ.__init__, "Tractography": aft.track, "Segmentation": seg.Segmentation.__init__, "Cleaning": seg.clean_bundle} arg_dict = {} for name, func in func_dict.items(): docstr_parser = FuncArgParser() docstr_parser.setup_args(func) if name == "BIDS": arg_dict["AFQ_desc"] = docstr_parser.description for arg, info in docstr_parser.unfinished_arguments.items(): try: section = name.upper() + "_PARAMS" desc = info['help'] if name != "BIDS" and 'positional' in info and info[ 'positional']: continue except (KeyError, IndexError) as error: if logger is not None: logger.error( "We are missing a valid description for the " + f"{name} argument {arg}") raise error if section not in arg_dict.keys(): arg_dict[section] = {} arg_dict[section][arg] = {} if 'default' in info: default = info['default'] else: default = None arg_dict[section][arg]['default'] = default arg_dict[section][arg]['desc'] = desc for section, arg_info in kwargs_descriptors.items(): section = section.upper() if section not in arg_dict.keys(): arg_dict[section] = {} for arg, info in arg_info.items(): if arg not in [ "segmentation_params", "tracking_params"]: arg_dict[section][arg] = info for section, arg_info in arg_dict.items(): if section == "AFQ_desc": continue for arg, info in arg_info.items(): desc = arg_dict[section][arg]['desc'] arg_dict[section][arg]['desc'] = '' for desc_line in desc.splitlines(): f_desc_line = '# ' + desc_line.strip() + '\n' arg_dict[section][arg]['desc'] = \ arg_dict[section][arg]['desc'] + f_desc_line return arg_dict
[docs]def parse_config_run_afq(toml_file, default_arg_dict, to_call="export_all", overwrite=False, logger=None, verbose=False, dry_run=False, special_args={ "SEGMENTATION_PARAMS": "segmentation_params", "TRACTOGRAPHY_PARAMS": "tracking_params"}): from import GroupAFQ from AFQ import __version__ # load configuration file if not op.exists(toml_file): raise FileExistsError( "Config file does not exist. " + "If you want to generate this file," + " add the argument --generate-config-only") f_arg_dict = toml.load(toml_file) # extract arguments from file kwargs = {} bids_path = '' for section, args in f_arg_dict.items(): for arg, default in args.items(): if section not in default_arg_dict: default_arg_dict[section] = {} if arg == 'bids_path': bids_path = default else: val = toml_to_val(default) is_special = False for toml_key, doc_arg in special_args.items(): if section == toml_key: if doc_arg not in kwargs: kwargs[doc_arg] = {} kwargs[doc_arg][arg] = val is_special = True if not is_special: kwargs[arg] = val if arg not in default_arg_dict[section]: default_arg_dict[section][arg] = {} default_arg_dict[section][arg]['default'] = default if logger is not None and (verbose or dry_run):"The following arguments are recognized: " + str(kwargs)) if dry_run: return # if overwrite, write new file with updated docs / args if overwrite: if logger is not None:"Updating configuration file.") with open(toml_file, 'w') as ff: ff.write(dict_to_toml(default_arg_dict)) if bids_path == '': raise RuntimeError("Config file must provide bids_path") # generate metadata file for this run default_arg_dict['pyAFQ'] = {} default_arg_dict['pyAFQ']['utc_time_started'] = \'T') default_arg_dict['pyAFQ']['version'] = __version__ default_arg_dict['pyAFQ']['platform'] = platform.system() myafq = GroupAFQ(bids_path, **kwargs) afq_metadata_file = op.join(myafq.afq_path, 'afq_metadata.toml') with open(afq_metadata_file, 'w') as ff: ff.write(dict_to_toml(default_arg_dict)) # call user specified function: if to_call == "all": myafq.export_all() else: myafq.export(to_call) # If you got this far, you can report on time ended and record that: default_arg_dict['pyAFQ']['utc_time_ended'] = ).isoformat('T') with open(afq_metadata_file, 'w') as ff: ff.write(dict_to_toml(default_arg_dict))
[docs]def generate_config(toml_file, default_arg_dict, overwrite=False, logger=None): if not overwrite and op.exists(toml_file): raise FileExistsError( "Config file already exists. " + "If you want to overwrite this file," + " add the argument --overwrite-config") if logger is not None:"Generating default configuration file.") toml_file = open(toml_file, 'w') toml_file.write(dict_to_toml(default_arg_dict)) toml_file.close()
[docs]def generate_json(json_folder, overwrite=False, logger=None): json_file_our_trk = op.join(json_folder, "pyafq.json") json_file_their_trk = op.join(json_folder, "pyafq_input_trk.json") if not overwrite and ( op.exists(json_file_our_trk) or op.exists(json_file_their_trk)): raise FileExistsError( "Config file already exists. " + "If you want to overwrite this file," + " add the argument --overwrite-config") if logger is not None:"Generating pyAFQ full pipeline QSIprep json file.") qsi_spec_intro_our_trk = """{ "description": "Use pyAFQ to perform the full Tractometry pipeline", "space": "T1w", "name": "pyAFQ_full", "atlases": [], "nodes": [ { "name": "pyAFQ_full", "software": "pyAFQ", "action": "pyAFQ_full", "input": "qsiprep", "output_suffix": "PYAFQ_FULL", "parameters": { "use_external_tracking": false, "export": "all", """ qsi_spec_intro_their_trk = """{ "description": "Use pyAFQ to perform the Tractometry pipeline, with tractography from qsiprep", "space": "T1w", "name": "pyAFQ_import_trk", "atlases": [], "nodes": [ { "name": "msmt_csd", "software": "MRTrix3", "action": "csd", "output_suffix": "msmtcsd", "input": "qsiprep", "parameters": { "mtnormalize": true, "response": { "algorithm": "dhollander" }, "fod": { "algorithm": "msmt_csd", "max_sh": [4, 8, 8] } } }, { "name": "track_ifod2", "software": "MRTrix3", "action": "tractography", "output_suffix": "ifod2", "input": "msmt_csd", "parameters": { "use_5tt": false, "use_sift2": true, "tckgen":{ "algorithm": "iFOD2", "select": 1e6, "maxlen": 250, "minlen": 30, "power":0.33 }, "sift2":{} } }, { "name": "pyAFQ_full", "software": "pyAFQ", "action": "pyAFQ_full", "input": "track_ifod2", "output_suffix": "PYAFQ_FULL_ET", "parameters": { "use_external_tracking": true, "export": "all", """ # noqa qsi_spec_outro = """ } } ] }""" import AFQ.segmentation as seg import AFQ.tractography.tractography as aft func_dict = { "Tractography": aft.track, "Segmentation": seg.Segmentation.__init__, "Cleaning": seg.clean_bundle} arg_dict = func_dict_to_arg_dict(func_dict, logger=logger) json_file = open(json_file_our_trk, 'w') json_file.write(qsi_spec_intro_our_trk) json_file.write(dict_to_json(arg_dict)) json_file.write(qsi_spec_outro) json_file.close() json_file = open(json_file_their_trk, 'w') json_file.write(qsi_spec_intro_their_trk) json_file.write(dict_to_json(arg_dict)) json_file.write(qsi_spec_outro) json_file.close()