Source code for AFQ.utils.streamlines

import gc
from import load_tractogram
import numpy as np
from import StatefulTractogram, Space
import os.path as op

    from import load as load_trx
[docs] has_trx = True
except ModuleNotFoundError: has_trx = False from AFQ.utils.path import drop_extension, read_json
[docs]class SegmentedSFT(): def __init__(self, bundles, space, sidecar_info={}): reference = None self.bundle_names = [] self.sidecar_info = sidecar_info sls = [] idxs = {} this_tracking_idxs = [] idx_count = 0 for b_name in bundles: if isinstance(bundles[b_name], dict): this_sls = bundles[b_name]['sl'] this_tracking_idxs.extend(bundles[b_name]['idx']) else: this_sls = bundles[b_name] if reference is None: reference = this_sls this_sls = list(this_sls.streamlines) sls.extend(this_sls) new_idx_count = idx_count + len(this_sls) idxs[b_name] = np.arange(idx_count, new_idx_count, dtype=np.uint32) idx_count = new_idx_count self.bundle_names.append(b_name) self.sft = StatefulTractogram(sls, reference, space) self.bundle_idxs = idxs if len(this_tracking_idxs) > 1: self.this_tracking_idxs = this_tracking_idxs else: self.this_tracking_idxs = None
[docs] def get_sft_and_sidecar(self): sidecar_info = {} sidecar_info["bundle_ids"] = {} dps = np.zeros(len(self.sft.streamlines)) for ii, bundle_name in enumerate(self.bundle_names): sidecar_info["bundle_ids"][f"{bundle_name}"] = ii + 1 dps[self.bundle_idxs[bundle_name]] = ii + 1 dps = {"bundle": dps} self.sft.data_per_streamline = dps if self.this_tracking_idxs is not None: for ii in range(len(self.this_tracking_idxs)): self.this_tracking_idxs[ii] = int(self.this_tracking_idxs[ii]) sidecar_info["tracking_idx"] = self.this_tracking_idxs return self.sft, sidecar_info
[docs] def get_bundle(self, b_name): return self.sft[self.bundle_idxs[b_name]]
[docs] def get_bundle_param_info(self, b_name): return self.sidecar_info.get( "Bundle Parameters", {}).get(b_name, {})
[docs] def fromfile(cls, trk_or_trx_file, reference="same", sidecar_file=None): if sidecar_file is None: # assume json sidecar has the same name as trk_file, # but with json suffix sidecar_file = f'{drop_extension(trk_or_trx_file)}.json' if not op.exists(sidecar_file): raise ValueError(( "JSON sidecars are required for trk files. " f"JSON sidecar not found for: {sidecar_file}")) sidecar_info = read_json(sidecar_file) if trk_or_trx_file.endswith(".trx"): trx = load_trx(trk_or_trx_file, reference) trx.streamlines._data = trx.streamlines._data.astype(np.float32) sft = trx.to_sft() if reference == "same": reference = sft bundles = {} for bundle in trx.groups: idx = trx.groups[bundle] bundles[bundle] = StatefulTractogram( sft.streamlines[idx], reference, Space.RASMM) else: sft = load_tractogram(trk_or_trx_file, reference, Space.RASMM) if reference == "same": reference = sft bundles = {} if "bundle_ids" in sidecar_info: for b_name, b_id in sidecar_info["bundle_ids"].items(): if not b_name == "whole_brain": idx = np.where( sft.data_per_streamline['bundle'] == b_id)[0] bundles[b_name] = StatefulTractogram( sft.streamlines[idx], reference, Space.RASMM) else: bundles["whole_brain"] = sft return cls(bundles, Space.RASMM, sidecar_info)
[docs]def split_streamline(streamlines, sl_to_split, split_idx): """ Given a Streamlines object, split one of the underlying streamlines Parameters ---------- streamlines : a Streamlines class instance The group of streamlines, one of which is being split. sl_to_split : int The index of the streamline that is being split split_idx : int Where is the streamline being split """ this_sl = streamlines[sl_to_split] streamlines._lengths = np.concatenate([ streamlines._lengths[:sl_to_split], np.array([split_idx]), np.array([this_sl.shape[0] - split_idx]), streamlines._lengths[sl_to_split + 1:]]) streamlines._offsets = np.concatenate([ np.array([0]), np.cumsum(streamlines._lengths[:-1])]) return streamlines